2018 OOI Data Workshops – Apply Now

The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is hosting several workshops for early-career scientists (PhD candidates, postdocs and pre-tenure faculty up to 7 years post-PhD) interested in learning more about the OOI and how to use data from the program in their work. The workshops focus on the development of programming, data analysis, and evaluation skills. Overviews of the marine infrastructure and software tools maintained by the OOI will also be provided.

Click here for Workshop Details

Each workshop will focus on a specific oceanographic discipline, and participants will become familiar with datasets and research opportunities available across the OOI. These discipline-based workshops are designed to inspire participants to pursue projects in geographical areas that they may not currently be focused on.

Workshop Key Topics Dates
Physics Ocean circulation, mixing, and ocean-atmosphere exchange May 21-25, 2018
Biology Ecosystem dynamics and biophysical interactions June 18-22, 2018
Geology Rock-fluid interactions and plate-scale geodynamics July 16-20, 2018
Chemistry Ocean biochemistry and the carbon cycle July 30 to August 3, 2018

Participants can select more than one workshop in their application if they are engaged in research across multiple disciplines.

A fifth workshop will focus on interdisciplinary science questions that cut across all research themes. Participants in this workshop will be selected from those who attend the prior four workshops.

Workshops will be held at Rutgers University. Travel support will be provided for accepted participants.

If you have questions about the workshops, please contact Max Kaplan mkaplan@oceanleadership.org