From the Director – August 2012
The OOI team is excited to use this newsletter format to share information about the project and the progress of construction. Our intent is to simplify your access to the extensive, up-to-date news and technical information available via the OOI website, and to provide you with frequent updates about the substantive developments during construction of the OOI infrastructure. We have heard from many of you that a direct ‘hyperlink’ to the OOI would be helpful, so this newsletter has been created with many links that will take you directly to the full story. Please let us know if this format is helpful – we promise to be responsive to your feedback!
In addition to the events in the ‘Highlights’ section, now underway since early July and continuing through August is the installation and connection of the Primary Nodes to the seafloor cable that was installed in 2011. The installation of the Primary Nodes this summer sets the stage for the installation of scientific instrumentation on the seafloor in the summer 2013.
The last major design review for coastal and global moorings was completed on 31 July, initiating the ‘build and deploy’ phase for these systems and subsystems. Several coastal moorings and one global array are scheduled for deployment between July and October 2013 – the installation dates will be posted by mid-September 2012. In addition, coastal gliders will be delivered to the Endurance Array team over the next few months, with deployments in the fall and accessible data after completion of post-deployment tests.
Feedback from users has indicated a great deal of interest in the timeline for direct involvement with OOI data and the infrastructure of the observatory. Now that the installation schedule for all OOI components has been revised to reflect the completion of design reviews, the timeline for acquisition of equipment and instruments, and the time to build, integrate and deploy the various OOI systems, we will be posting detailed information in the coming weeks about many facets of the OOI. Our next issue of this newsletter format will provide this new detailed information that also will be posted on the OOI website.
We look forward to your continued engagement and feedback as the build and deploy phase of the OOI is now underway! Please do not hesitate to submit Questions and Concerns via the OOI website. Your questions assist us in keeping the FAQ document up to date. Submit a Question or Comment here.
Tim Cowles
Program Director, Ocean Observing