OOI scientists and Data Team to present at MTS/IEEE Oceans 16 Meeting

Scientists and engineers from the OOI Marine Implementing Organizations (MIOs) and the OOI Data Team are gearing up to present at the 2016 MTS/IEEE Oceans conference in Monterey Bay, CA September 19 – 22, 2016.

The event is set to draw an international audience of more than 2,000 attendees. The conference will center around presentations and posters from over 500 professionally reviewed technical papers, including those submitted by OOI scientists and engineers.

We look forward to connecting with you all at the conference.

OOI Related Presentations

Tuesday Sept. 20

1:30-3:00, Marriott: San Francisco

    Wilcock, W.D.S., D.A. Schmidt, J.E. Vidale, M.J. Harrington, P. Boudin, et al. Designing an Offshore Geophysical Network in the Pacific Northwest for Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning and Hazard Research

    Manalang, D., and J.R. Delaney. Axial Seamount – Restless, Wired and Occupied: A Conceptual overview of Resident AUV Operations and Technologies.

    Kelley, D.S., J.R. Delaney, and the Cabled Array Team. NSF’s Cabled Array: A Wired Tectonic Plate and Overlying Ocean

5:30-5:00, Marriott: San Francisco

    McRae, E. Continuous Real Time Scanning of the Upper Ocean Water Column.

Wednesday Sept. 21

10:30-12:00, Portola: Cotton Wood 2

    Philip, B.T., D.S. Kelley, E.A.Solomon, and J.R. Delaney. Monitoring Methane Emissions at Southern Hydrate Ridge using an OOI Cabled Array Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler.

1:30-3:00, Marriott: Santa Barbara

    Delaney, J.R., D.S. Kelley, A. Marburg, M. Stoermer, H. Hadaway, K. Juniper, and F. Knuth. Axial Seamount – Wired and Restless: A Cabled Submarine Network Enables Real-time tracking of a Mid-Ocean Ridge Eruption and Live Video of an Active Hydrothermal System Juan de Fuca Ridge, NE Pacific

Thursday Sept. 22

8:30-10:00, Marriott: Santa Barbara

    Marburg, A., and K. Bigham. Deep Learning for Benthic Fauna Identification

10:30-12:00, Portola: Cotton Wood 2

    Knuth, F., L. Belabassi, L. Garizio, M. Smith, M. Vardaro, and A. Marburg. Automated QA/QC and Time Series Analyses on OOI High-Definition Video Data

    Belabbassi, L., L. Garzio, M. Smith, F. Knuth, J. Kerfoot, M. Vardaro, and M. Crowley. Successes and Lessons Learned from OOI End-to-End System Data Quality Audit