Machine to Machine Interface Resources and Community Tools
The OOI is pleased to announce the release of the OOI Machine-to-Machine (M2M) interface for data download.
The M2M interface provides programmatic access to OOI data and metadata via a RESTful Application Programming Interface (API). It allows authenticated users to request small amounts of data via synchronous JSON requests, request larger amounts of data in NetCDF or CSV format in order to download multiple data streams or data from multiple platforms, or set up recurring downloads to procedurally update an existing dataset. Additional commands allow for searches of the asset management system to find deployment, calibration, quality control (QC) parameters, annotations, and other information, both in bulk and for specific instruments or platforms.
Full documentation of the M2M system is underway, but there are several existing “Community Tools” resources to assist in getting started using the API. Step by step instructions and sample code are now available on the OOI Website. In addition, the OOI Data Evaluation Team will be holding instructional webinars and posting additional guides and video tutorials in the Knowledge Base in the coming months.
For additional help using the interface, if you encounter errors, or if you have suggestions, please contact the HelpDesk.