OSM ’18 – OOI Related Talks & Posters

Members of the OOI Team and User Community will be sharing their research in posters and presentations throughout the conference. Talks and posters by the OOI Team are listed below by date and time.


Monday, February 12, 2018

8:00 AM – 08:15 AM, Room: E145-E146
IS11A-01: Characterizations of Coastal Events Using the Ocean Observatories Initiative Endurance Array
Edward P Dever, Jonathan P Fram, Craig M Risien, Christopher E Wingard, Jack A Barth, Robert W Collier, Thomas D Kearney from Oregon State University

10:30 AM – 10:45 AM, Room: E145-E146
IS12A-01: Axial Seamount: An Advanced Underwater Cabled Observatory
Deborah S Kelley from University of Washington Seattle Campus

Thurs, February 15, 2018

9:30 AM – 9:45 AM, Room: D139-D140
ED41A-07: Engaging Introductory Undergraduate Students with Online Data Explorations
Charles Sage Lichtenwalner, Janice D McDonnell, Kristin I Hunter-Thomson from Rutgers University, Catherine Halversen from University of California Berkeley

11:30 AM – 11:45 AM, Room: E143-E144
OD42A-05: The Ocean Observatories Initiative: An Operational, Long-Term, Near Real-Time Observatory Dataset For All
Michael Vardaro, Leila Belabbassi, Lori M Garzio, Friedrich Knuth, Michael J Smith, Charles Sage Lichtenwalner, John Kerfoot, Michael F Crowley from Rutgers University



Monday, February 12, 2018

4:00 PM – 06:00 PM, Poster Hall
IS14A-2541: Quality Assessment of Moored Near Surface Instrument Time Series on the OOI Endurance Array
Chris Holm, Robert T Rohrer, Edward P Dever, Jonathan P Fram from Oregon State University

4:00 PM – 06:00 PM, Poster Hall
IS14A-2543: Time Series Measurements of Inherent and Apparent Optical Properties from the OOI Endurance Array
Christopher E Wingard, Russell A Desiderio, Jonathan P Fram, Edward P Dever from Oregon State University

4:00 PM – 06:00 PM, Poster Hall
IS14B-2550: Notable events on the OOI Endurance array, as observed by the coastal glider fleet
Jonathan Whitefield, Stuart Pearce, Jonathan P Fram, Edward P Dever from Oregon State University

4:00 PM – 06:00 PM, Poster Hall
IS14B-2554: Scanning the Upper Ocean Water ColumnNotes from Operation of the Regional Cabled Array Shallow Profilers
Eric McRae from University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory

4:00 PM – 06:00 PM, Poster Hall
IS14B-2568: Methane Seep Morphological Changes Documented Through Live Time-Lapse Imagery from the Ocean Observatory Initiative’s Regional Cabled Array at Southern Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Margin
Katharine Bigham, Deborah S Kelley, John R Delaney, Evan A Solomon from University of Washington

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

4:00 PM – 06:00 PM, Poster Hall
OD24D-2741: Cloud-Scaled Static Scene Labelling in Subsea HD Video
Aaron Marburg from Applied Physics Laboratory University of Washington, Timothy J Crone from Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory, Friedrich Knuth from Rutgers University

Thurs, February 15, 2018

4:00 PM – 06:00 PM, Poster Hall
OD44A-2786: Real-time access to OOI Cabled Array Data using a RESTful API
Friedrich Knuth, Michael J Smith, Lori M Garzio, Leila Belabbassi, Charles Sage Lichtenwalner, John Kerfoot, Michael F Crowley, Michael Vardaro from Rutgers University, Deborah S Kelley from University of Washington

4:00 PM – 06:00 PM, Poster Hall
ED44C-2483: Integrating Ocean Observatories Initiative Data into Undergraduate Introductory Oceanography Courses
Julie E Masura, Mikelle Nuwer, Cheryl Lee Greengrove, Deborah S Kelley from University of Washington