OOI Data Users Town Hall: Special Gliders Session Aug 24
OOI is seeking input from its data users. All are welcome to attend and contribute to an OOI Data Users Town Hall: Special Glider Session. The Town Hall will take place on August 24 AT 3 PM Eastern. Simply click here to register. We look forward to hearing your ideas.
Since Data Explorer’s inaugural launch in October 2020, OOI has been working with users of Data Explorer to learn what features worked for them, which could be improved, and what could be added to optimize users’ experiences. A version update (1.2) to the Data Explorer is now under development for release in early September. Among the new features include enhancements to the display and user interaction with underwater gliders.
During an upcoming Data Users Town Hall, August 24 at 3 pm Eastern, the new beta features will be demonstrated with the goal of soliciting feedback and suggestions from glider experts to ensure the tool meets users’ needs.
Here is a brief summary of the features that will be reviewed:
1) visualizations of glider previews alongside static instrument previews
2) searchable map interface for visualizing and downloading glider and discrete cruise data
3) mapping interface for finding and visualizing glider and discrete sample profiles that are within range of the selected instrument
Please register, mark your calendar, and see you soon.