Submit an Abstract to OOI’s Session at AGU
OOI is hosting a session at the Fall 2022 AGU Meeting in Chicago entitled: OS019. Process Studies, Educational Activities and Technological Advancements Using Data and Infrastructure from the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI). All are encouraged to submit an abstract to share your innovative research, technology, and educational approaches that use OOI data.
Below are submission details:
Session Title: OS019. Process Studies, Educational Activities and Technological Advancements Using Data and Infrastructure from the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI)
Direct Link to Session:
Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 3 August 2022 at 23:59 EDT
Session Abstract:
The NSF’s Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is an integrated network that enables scientific investigation of interlinked biogeochemical and physical processes throughout the global ocean. We invite presentations that investigate all aspects of ocean observatory science using data and infrastructure (physical and cyber) from the OOI and related observing systems. The OOI is comprised of coastal and global arrays that support surface moorings, bottom landers, profilers and gliders; as well as a regional cabled array that spans the seafloor and water column with cabled moorings and seafloor nodes. The OOI data delivery and QC systems have been continuously improved with input from the user community. The OOI data already provide decade long time series with broad spatial coverage that enables investigations of marine processes, event detection, and climate assessment. We particularly encourage new and innovative research and educational approaches that rely on ocean observatory systems with an emphasis on the OOI.
Session Co-chairs:
James Edson, Edward Dever, Deborah Kelley, Albert Plueddemann, Anthony Koppers