AGU Lightning Talks

Here is an opportunity to hear some of the latest findings and research in the works based on OOI data.  Researcher presented their findings in one-minute lightning talks at the AGU Fall Meeting December 12, 2022  during OOIFB’s Town Hall.  The presenters are listed by topic and time that they appear on the video.  For questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the researchers directly.

  • 0:10: Cesar Savage – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (virtual)
  • 2:16: Artash Nath – (virtual)
  • 4:00: Karen Bemis – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
  • 5:45: Ettore Biondi – California Institute of Technology
  • 7:46: Amy Bower – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • 11:53: Marine Denolle – University of Washington
  • 14:05: Jiaqi Fang – California Institution of Technology
  • 15:45: Aleck Wang – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution