Successful Ocean Chemistry Workshop for Undergraduate Professors
Ocean Observatory Initiative Workshop – Chemistry
May 19-21, 2017 at Rutgers University
The National Science Foundation’s Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) has constructed a network of sustained ocean measurements to study climate variability, ocean circulation, ecosystem dynamics, air-sea exchange, seafloor processes, and plate-scale geodynamics. The program also invested in making the data available to the public through a series of web-based software tools that link data driven activities to the live data being collected by the OOI. A Teaching with Data Workshop (New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 19-21, 2017) brought together undergraduate professors from six states to learn the software and explore pilot content developed by OOI.
The focus was on the development of user-friendly, interactive, online data widgets that provide short (15-20 minute) interactions with data to augment teaching of core oceanographic concepts. The web-based modules are purposely linked to one of the most used textbooks in the United States (The Essentials of Oceanography, Ed 12) providing a framework to enable easy adoption in community college and general University oceanography courses. Our workshop goal was to provide tools that help instructors overcome hurdles to using online data in the classroom. Another workshop focused on geology themes and OOI is planned for early June 2017.

From left to right – back row: Alfred Hochstaedter- Monterey Peninsula College, Sage Lichtenwalner-Rutgers University, Walker Smith-Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Chris Perle-Florida State College, Nathalie Reyns –University of San Diego, Susan White-Brookhaven College.