December 16, 2021
Videos of OOI’s Virtual Booth Sessions at AGU
In case you missed any sessions at OOI’s Virtual Booth at the AGU Fall 2021 meeting, you can watch them here at your leisure:
- The Observatory
- About OOI
- Arrays
- Global Irminger Sea Array
- Global Station Papa Array
- Coastal Endurance Array
- Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Array
- Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf Array
- Regional Cabled Array
- Cabled Continental Margin Array
- Cabled Axial Seamount Array
- Cabled Endurance Array
- Global Argentine Basin
- Global Southern Ocean Array
- Expeditions
- Infrastructure
- Instruments
- Sites
- Science
- Participate in OOI
- Community Engagement
- OOI Data
- Resources