Acronym Decoder
OOI Acronyms
NSF National Science Foundation
OOI Ocean Observatories Initiative
OOIFB Ocean Observatories Initiative Facilities Board
CGSN Coastal and Global Scale Nodes (Coastal Pioneer, Global Irminger and Station Papa arrays)
EA Coastal Endurance Array
NSF National Science Foundation
RCA Regional Cabled Array
Implementing Organizations (IOs)
Marine Implementing Organizations (MIO)
OSU Oregon State University
UW University of Washington
WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Program Management Office (PMO)
ADCP(T/S) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
CTDBP CTD (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor) Bottom Pumped
CTDMO CTD Mooring (Inductive)
DOSTA Dissolved Oxygen (sometimes called DO or O2)
ENG Engineering
FDCHP Direct Covariance Flux
FLORT Fluorometer
IMM Inductive modem (not an instrument, but used to transmit data inductively from an instrument to a DCL, STC, or other subsurface mooring controller)
METBK Bulk Meteorology Instrument Package (multiple instruments that have data collected in a standalone controller unit before sending data to the DCL)
NUTNR Nitrate
OPTAA Spectrophotometer
PCO2A pCO2 Air-Sea
PCO2W pCO2 Water
PHSEN Seawater pH
PRESF Seafloor Pressure
SPKIR Spectral Irradiance
VEL3D 3-D Single Point Velocity Meter
VELPT Single Point Velocity Meter (similar to VEL3D, but different instruments)
WAVSS Surface Wave Spectra
WFP Wire-following profiler (also referred to as MMP)
ZPLS(C/G) Bio-acoustic Sonar
Platform Name Decoder (e.g., CP02PMCI)
1st digit:
C = Coastal
G = Global
2nd digit:
E = Endurance Array
P = Pioneer Array (after C); Station Papa (after G)
I = Irminger Sea
S = Southern Ocean
A = Argentine Basin
3rd & 4th digits:
Two numbers, where the first is currently always 0.
5th-8th digits:
CN = CeNtral
IS = InShore
OS = OffShore
CI = Central Inshore
CO = Central Offshore
UI = Upstream Inshore
UO = Upstream Offshore
SM = Surface Mooring
PM = Profiler Mooring
HYPM = Hybrid Profiler Mooring (Subsurface Mooring, or “SSM”)
FLMA = FLanking Mooring A (SSM)
FLMB = FLanking Mooring B (SSM)
MOAS = MObile ASset (e.g., gliders & AUVs)
Additional digits:
-PG### = Profiling Glider (data mules for SSMs) & glider number
-GL### = Coastal Glider or Open Ocean Glider (gather scientific data) & glider number
-A#### = Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) & AUV number