Cruise Data
As of October 2023, the OOI has successfully conducted 63 operations and management (O&M) cruises to the Arrays. During each O&M cruise, CTD (conductivity, temperature, and depth) casts are performed prior to deployment and following recovery of most OOI assets. Glider deployments may involve a single reference CTD cast. Water samples are collected in Niskin bottles at multiple depths, and analyzed for oxygen (Winkler), chlorophyll-a fluorescence and pigment distribution, nitrate/nitrite, and potentially a full nutrient suite, total DIC (dissolved inorganic carbon) and total alkalinity, pH, and salinity.
A complete list of shipboard data categories is here. Underway data and documentation from UNOLS vessels used during O&M cruises can be found at the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) site.
Documentation from each cruise, including the cruise plans, manifests, equipment lists, description of events, and full cruise reports also can be found in the links below within an OOI managed document storage system called Alfresco. Select an Array and navigate to Cruise Data; the respective Ship Data subfolder contains a README with further information that may include citations to community datasets derived from these data. Data are divided into folders by cruise event. If you are asked for login credentials, the username and password are both “guest”.
Click here to view a diagram of the hierarchical structure of documentation stored within Alfresco.
Cabled Array Coastal Endurance Array Coastal Pioneer MAB Array Coastal Pioneer NES Array Global Argentine Basin Array Global Irminger Sea Array Global Southern Ocean Array Global Station Papa Array