In the spring and summer of 2018, the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) hosted a series of 4 workshops for early-career scientists interested in learning more about the OOI and how to use data from the program in their work. The workshops focused on the development of programming, data analysis, and evaluation skills, and provided participants with an overview of the marine infrastructure and software tools maintained by the OOI. These workshops were held at Rutgers University.

A fifth workshop focused on interdisciplinary science questions that cut across all research themes. Participants in this workshop were either existing OOI data users, or were selected from those who attend the prior four workshops. This workshop was held at the Consortium for Ocean Leadership in Washington, DC.

More information about these workshops is available here.

A Github repository was created for workshop information and contains the tutorials and example Python scripts presented during each of the workshops, as well as many of the handouts provided. In addition, participants at each workshop were asked to analyze data from a selection of OOI instruments and create a Data Quality Report with their findings.

The examples and reports can also be found below by selecting the corresponding workshop from the table.

Workshop Key Topics Dates
Physics Ocean circulation, mixing, and ocean-atmosphere exchange May 21-25, 2018
Biology Ecosystem dynamics and biophysical interactions June 18-22, 2018
Geology Rock-fluid interactions and plate-scale geodynamics July 16-20, 2018
Chemistry Ocean biochemistry and the carbon cycle July 30 to August 3, 2018
Interdisciplinary Cross-discipline collaborations September 10-12, 2018


OOI Early Career Data Workshop I – Physics

OOI Physics Data Workshop Participants

OOI Physics Data Workshop Participants

On May 21-25, 2018, 10 early career researchers participated in an OOI physics data workshop at Rutgers University. Participants received several lectures on the OOI structure and science questions, tutorials on Python and how to access OOI data, and were given time to develop and present their own data validation report.

Data Processing Example Scripts

During the workshop, a number of example scripts were provided to demonstrate how to access and use data from the OOI. They can be found in the examples folder.

Data Validation Reports

As part of the workshop, each participant created a Data Validation Report analyzing the quality of one or more OOI instruments.

  • Amin Ilia – Coastal Pioneer, Offshore Profiler Mooring (CTD) Data Quality Report
  • Binbin Wang – Coastal Endurance Oregon Shelf Surface Mooring Data Quality Report
  • Bruce Laughlin – Pioneer Central Inshore Profiler (CP02PMCI) Data Quality Report
  • Henry Potter (report, presentation) – Waves at Global Argentine Basin Surface Mooring Data Quality Report
  • Jacqueline McSweeney (report, presentation) – Global Southern Ocean Flanking Mooring CTDs Data Quality Report
  • Johna Rudzin – Pioneer Inshore and Central Surface Mooring Data Quality Report
  • Justin Stopa (notebook, report) – Global Southern Ocean Apex Surface Mooring (GS01SUMO) Data Quality Report
  • Molly James – Connecticut River plume signature in the Coastal Pioneer Array from annual peak discharge, 2017
  • Roos Bol – Global Irminger Sea Array Profiler Mooring (GI02HYPM) Data Quality Report
  • Sergey Molodtsov – Global Irminger Sea Mooring ADCPs Data Quality Report


OOI Early Career Data Workshop II – Biology

OOI Biology Data Workshop Participants

OOI Biology Data Workshop Participants

On June 18-22, 2018, 11 early career researchers participated in an OOI biology data workshop at Rutgers University. Participants received several lectures on the OOI structure and science questions, tutorials on Python and how to access OOI data, and were given time to develop and present their own data validation report. More information about this workshop is available on the OOI website.

Data Processing Example Scripts

During the workshop, a number of example scripts were provided to demonstrate how to access and use data from the OOI. They can be found in the examples folder.

Data Validation Reports

As part of the workshop, each participant created a Data Validation Report analyzing the quality of one or more OOI instruments.


OOI Early Career Data Workshop III – Geology and Physics

OOI Geology Data Workshop Participants

OOI Geology Data Workshop Participants

On July 16-20, 2018, 11 early career researchers participated in an OOI geology data workshop at Rutgers University. Participants received several lectures on the OOI structure and science questions, tutorials on Python and how to access OOI data, and were given time to develop and present their own data validation report. More information about this workshop is available on the OOI website.

Data Processing Example Scripts

During the workshop, a number of example scripts were provided to demonstrate how to access and use data from the OOI. They can be found in the examples folder.

Data Validation Reports

  • Adekunle Ajayi – Winter Statistics of Temperature and Velocity Gradients at the Global Irminger Sea Array
  • William Zachary Billings – Cabled Seafloor Signals: Comparing Data Products BOTPT (RS03CCAL) and PREST (RS01SLBS)
  • Haley Cabaniss – Addressing Spikes in BOTPT Instruments Preceding Junction Box Changes during July 2018 Cruise
  • Lauren Ferris (report, HTML version) – Data quality assessment for the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Global Station Papa Apex Profiler Mooring (GP02HYPM)
  • Pichawut Manopkawee – Coastal Endurance Washington-Oregon Shelf Surface Mooring Data Comparison Report
  • Jazlyn Natalie and Dax Soule
  • Christopher Russoniello
  • Drew Syverson
  • Alexandros Tasianas – Coastal Endurance Oregon Inshore Surface Mooring – Seafloor Multi-Function Node (MFN) – Velocity Profiler (600kHz) Data Quality Report
  • Kianoosh Yousefi – Coastal Pioneer Central Inshore Profiler (CP02PMCI) ADCP Data Quality Report


OOI Early Career Data Workshop IV – Chemistry

OOI Chemistry Data Workshop Participants

OOI Chemistry Data Workshop Participants

On July 30 to August 3, 2018, 12 early career researchers participated in an OOI chemistry data workshop at Rutgers University. Participants received several lectures on the OOI structure and science questions, tutorials on Python and how to access OOI data, and were given time to develop and present their own data validation report. More information about this workshop is available on the OOI website.

Data Processing Example Scripts

During the workshop, a number of example scripts were provided to demonstrate how to access and use data from the OOI. They can be found in the examples folder.

Data Validation Reports

  • Meredith Burke – Comparing Temperature and Salinity Measurements From DO sensors and CTDs at the Global Irminger Station Flanking Moorings A and B
  • Beckett Colson (notebook, HTML version) – Data Validation Report: pH Sensor Evaluation
  • Alanna Durkin – Quality assessment of ASHES Vent Field 3D seafloor temperature measures
  • Fatemeh Izaditame – Coastal Pioneer Central Inshore (CP02PMCI) and Offshore Profiler (CP02PMCO) ADCP Data Quality Report
  • Lu Guan – Global Station Papa Flanking Subsurface Mooring A & B (GP03FLMA & GP03FLMB) Dissolved Oxygen (@30m) Data Quality Report
  • Aric Mine – Assessing DO Sensor Variability within the Coastal Endurance Array
  • Frank Pavia – Global Station Papa Apex Profiler Mooring Dissolved Oxygen Data Quality Report
  • Yuanji Sun – Global Station Papa Flanking Subsurface Mooring A & B (GP03FLMA & GP03FLMB) Data Validation Report
  • Elizabeth Suter – Evaluation of OOI Nitrate Sensors
  • Man-Yin Tsang – Comparison between dissolved chemical contents from samples collected by the osmosis-based water samplers and the benthic fluid flow CAT meter
  • Yuanyuan Xu (report, presentation) – Coastal Pioneer Coastal Central Inshore Profiler (CP02PMCI) Data Quality Report
  • Bo Yang (report, presentation) – Global Station Papa Array Flanking Subsurface Mooring A & B Oxygen (O2) Data Quality Report


OOI Early Career Interdisciplinary Workshop

Interdisciplinary Workshop Participants

On September 10-12, 2018, 15 early career researchers came together to explore working on interdisciplinary projects and with interdisciplinary teams. During the workshop, mentors from the OOI were present to provide a history of the OOI as well as information about OOI science questions and infrastructure. Perhaps most importantly, these mentors played key roles in engaging the participants in discussions of their research and scientific aspirations. During the workshop, participants were divided into groups composed of different disciplines and set to the task of determining a research project on which they could all contribute using their unique knowledge sets. In addition to this group exploration, participants received training in communication and visited with program managers at the NSF.