The OOI ERDDAP (National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration’s Environmental Research Division’s Data Access Program) Server provides a simple, consistent way to access and download OOI data. Datasets can be downloaded in common file formats (e.g, CSV, NetCDF, or JSON), with the capability of creating graphs and maps, and used in several different applications and utilities such as Python, R, Javascript, and MATLAB.

All information about every ERDAPP request is contained in the URL of each request, which makes it easy to automate searching for and using data in other applications. Proficient users can build their own custom interfaces. Many organizations (including NOAA, NASA, and USGS) run ERDDAP servers to serve their data. Because of its widespread use and accessibility, the ERDDAP principal developer and user community have created user guides, instruction videos, and code examples to facilitate access by new users.

Visit the ERDDAP page on Data Explorer

FAQs about OOI’s ERDDAP Server

What is available on this server?

OOI’s ERDDAP server has ~600 datasets listed in alphabetical order by source (OOI array). Datasets can be searched using full text, by metadata category or protocol, with an additional option of advanced search. All OOI ERDDAP datasets have been uploaded on OOI’s Data Explorer so users can access ERDDAP data there then use this amazing tool to compare, combine, and visualize datasets.

How are the data organized?

Data are organized by array, platform, instrument type, and parameter using Climate and Forecast naming conventions. Full-instrument time series (Level 1+) are being served by joining recovered and telemetered streams for non-cabled instrument deployments. For high-resolution cabled and recovered data, this product is binned to 1-minute resolution to allow for efficient visualization and downloads for users that do not need the full-resolution, gold copy time series. This is the primary product for visualization within the Data Explorer.

In addition, the datasets used to generate those used by Data Explorer are available from the Gold Copy ERDDAP. There are ~7800 datasets in the Gold Copy ERDDAP organized by the array, platform, instrument type, stream, data delivery method and deployment number. These are full resolution datasets pulled from the M2M system and served as-is.

Is ERDDAP freely available?

The repository that contains the development code for the OOI ERDDAP server has been made publicly available here. Users can easily search for specific datasets using full text, by category or by protocol. You may also select datasets from a list of OOI datasets provided.  An advanced search option exists, as well.