The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Ocean Observatories Initiative Facility Board (OOIFB) will be hosting a Summer School focused on passive and active acoustics programs.
This intensive program will feature a mix of targeted lectures, hands-on tutorials, and practical exercises working with real-world examples and NSF OOI data products, with focus on the access, analysis, and interpretation of acoustics data as well as complementary oceanographic data available through the NSF OOI.
Participants can expect to finish the 5-day program with:
- A high level understanding of how sound propagates under water and the main factors influencing propagation.
- An awareness of passive and active acoustic instruments deployed through NSF OOI (e.g. hydrophones and echosounders) and the data sets available.
- The ability to navigate NSF OOI data portals to access and download acoustic and oceanographic data products.
- Basic processing methods for acoustic data (including coding, and working with data in JupyterHub environments).
- A comprehensive understanding about what scientific questions can be addressed using NSF OOI data.
- Connections to a network of professionals who are using or planning to use NSF OOI data in their research and education activities.