Title: Advancing Ocean Carbon Science: OOI SUGR Meeting on Data Quality and Best Practices
Date: Sunday, December 8th
Time: 11am – 2:30pm ET
Location: The Westin DC Downtown 999 9th Street NW, Washington DC Meeting Room 7
Description: We are holding a Scientific User Group for Research (SUGR) meeting prior to the AGU meeting in Washington, D.C. (December 9-13). The purpose of the SUGR meeting is to hear from our current and potential user community who are using OOI and other data sets to improve our understanding of the Carbon Cycle. In addition to sessions such as OS53D – Advancing our Understanding of Ocean Carbon and the Air-Sea Carbon Flux, this meeting will feature presentations from researchers who use OOI data, sharing their findings and experiences, and a discussion of potential updates to the GOOS-Endorsed Best Practices document. Additionally, we want to hear from attendees about any new sensors that could be added to OOI infrastructure to further enhance biogeochemical research.
This is an excellent opportunity to connect, collaborate, and expand awareness of the valuable contributions of OOI data to carbon cycle research. Registration for AGU is not required to attend the meeting.
Introduction to OOI
11:00 James Edson
Science Presentations (20 minute talks, 5 minute Q&A)
11:10 Ten Years of pCO2 and pH Measurements on the NSF OOI Regional Cabled and Endurance Arrays: Techniques, Validation, and Science Opportunities: Ed Dever, Wendi Ruef & Chris Wingard
11:35 Lightning Talks (1-slide, 1-2 minutes each)
12:05 Working (Box) Lunch with continued Q&A
12:15 Simple Data access demo using Data Explorer
12:30 Carbon Science in the Irminger Sea: Meg Yoder (Boston College)
12:55 Discussion
Panel Discussion
13:05 GOOS Endorsed BGC manual: Merrie Beth Neely (GST)
13:20 New location and sensors at Pioneer MAB: Al Plueddemann
Examples include IFCB, Turbidity, LISST
13:35 Additional BGC Sensors and Tech Refresh for OOI, OOI Team
Examples to include SeaphOx pH, pCO2w, EK-80
13:50 NOAA collaboration: Liza Wright-Fairbanks (NOAA OAP)
14:00 Discussion
Finding Champions from the community
Meeting highlights from participants
Other topics
Next steps
14:30 End of SUGR Meeting
If you are interested in participating, please reach out to Amber Coogan, OOI’s Community Engagement Manager, at amber.coogan@whoi.edu. Please indicate whether you prefer to attend in person or virtually for a three-hour meeting, which will include a lunch break. Boxed lunches will be provided for those attending in person.