2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting
The OOI team is gearing up for the 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting Feb. 21-24 in New Orleans, LA. We look forward to connecting with you all at the conference and have planned a number of informational exchange opportunities. In addition to numerous posters and presentations (schedule to be posted next week!), swing by the OOI…
2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting Town Hall
Utilizing online streaming data from the National Science Foundation’s Ocean Observatories Initiative Join the OOI Director, Greg Ulses, and OOI scientists for a town hall discussion about the newly commission OOI. Topics to be discussed include: array configuration, data access and availability, case studies of data use, and upcoming plans for the next calendar year.
Coastal & Global Array Overview Webinar
Location: OnlineThe CGSN and EA teams will host a Webinar Thursday, March 3rd at 3:30 pm ET to present an overview of the Coastal Pioneer, uncabled Coastal Endurance and Global Array infrastructure. This is will cover the configuration of the Array, descriptions of the various platforms, and engineering details including power, communications, etc. A brief opportunity…
Cabled Array Webinar
Location: OnlineCabled Array staff will provide an overview of the Cabled Array infrastructure currently deployed as well as engineering specifics including connectors, communication capabilities, testing procedures, and general timeline. The goal of the webinar is to provide researchers interested in adding instrumentation-infrastructure onto the Cabled Array the information required to submit an NSF proposal, which includes…
Coastal & Global Array Webinar
Location: OnlineThe CGSN and EA teams will host a Webinar Thursday, July 7th at 2:00 pm ET to present an overview of the Coastal Pioneer, uncabled Coastal Endurance and Global Array designs. This will include the configuration of the Arrays, descriptions of the various platforms, and engineering details including power, communications, etc. An opportunity to answer…
Oceans in Action Workshop
The Marine Technology Society (MTS) Gulf Coast Section and the Mississippi Enterprise for Technology (MSET) are hosting the fifth annual Oceans In Action Workshop on August 20, 2016 at Stennis Space Center. The purpose of the workshop is to showcase the many facets of marine technology used by federal and state agencies, regional associations, universities,…
MTS/IEEE Oceans 16 Meeting
Location: Portola Plaza Hotel & Monterey Marriott Monterey, CAMembers of the OOI Marine Implementing Organizations and Data Team will be presenting at the 2016 MTS/IEEE Oceans conference in Monterey Bay. The event is set to draw an international audience of more than 2,000 attendees. The conference will center around presentations and posters from over 500 professionally reviewed technical papers, including those submitted by…
OOI Community Workshop: Cabled, Endurance, and Station Papa
Location: University Place Hotel and Conference Center Portland, ORThe UNOLS Ocean Observing Science Committee (OOSC) along with OOI’s Science Oversight Committee (SOC) are organizing a workshop that will focus on current and future science addressed by the extensive OOI infrastructure in the Northeast Pacific. This includes the OOI Cabled, Endurance, and Station Papa Arrays. Early science successes from OOI will be highlighted, as…
2016 AGU Fall Meeting
Location: Moscone Center San Francisco, CAThe American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting brings together the entire Earth and space science community for discussions of emerging trends and the latest research. With nearly 24,000 attendees, this meeting is the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world. Come visit the OOI in the Exhibit Hall at booth #245. The OOI…
AGU 2016 Town Hall
Location: Moscone Center San Francisco, CAUtilizing Online Streaming Data from the National Science Foundation's Ocean Observatories Initiative In January 2016, the NSF-funded Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) went operational with online streaming data freely accessible by login. Over the year, the scientific community downloaded terabytes of data every month, engaged in workshops and webinars, and submitted proposals to further utilize the…