Instruments and platforms deployed for testing purposes
Spectral Irradiance Sensor (SPKIR) UV Light Test: CP03ISSM D00009
A second SPKIR was deployed on the Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf (NES) Inshore Surface Mooring (ISSM) Near-Surface Instrument Frame (NSIF) for D00009 as a designed test. The instrument was deployed with an ultraviolet (UV) light illuminating the optical face on a 25% duty cycle (the UV light was not on during irradiance measurements). The purpose of the test was to determine if UV biofouling mitigation impacts the measurements or optical surfaces for this instrument. It was found to have no negative impacts.
Raw data link
Direct Covariance Flux Sensor (FDCHP) Test: CP04OSSM D00013
For this test, two FDCHPs were added in addition to the nominal Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf (NES) Offshore Surface Mooring (OSSM) instrumentation in order to have a side by side comparison between the standard Windmaster Pro anemometer system and the new R3 anemometer system.
Raw data link for R3 anemometer
Raw data link for WindMaster Pro anemometerBio-Acoustic Sonar Sensor (ZPLSC) Test: CP01CNSM D00013
A second ZPLSC instrument was deployed on the Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf (NES) Central Surface Mooring (CNSM) Multi-Function Node (MFN) for D00013. This instrument was provided by the manufacturer to field test a redesigned four-channel transducer. All four channels (125 kHz, 200 kHz, 455 kHz and 769 kHz) were enabled, and the instrument did not include any additional transducers. The sampling interval was 30 minutes, scheduled to alternate with the primary ZPLSC instrument. The instrument was deployed self-logging only, with no telemetry. Recovered instrument data are available in the raw data archive.
Raw data link
Glider 363 Fin Test
Glider 363 was deployed to the Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf (NES) Array 2021-10-30 through 2021-11-02 to test the steering capability after the fin was replaced. Data from this test deployment are not ingested into OOINET, Data Explorer, or the Glider DAC but are available at the link below.
Raw data link
Glider 898 G3 Field Test
Glider 898 was deployed to the Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf (NES) Array 2021-04-04 through 2021-05-17 as a field test. Data from this test deployment are not ingested into OOINET, Data Explorer, or the Glider DAC but are available at the link below.
Raw data link
Glider 899 G3 Field Test 1
Glider 899 was deployed to the Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf (NES) Array 2021-04-04 through 2021-04-05 as a field test. Data from this test deployment are not ingested into OOINET, Data Explorer, or the Glider DAC but are available at the link below.
Raw data link
Glider 899 G3 Field Test 2
Glider 899 was deployed to the Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf (NES) Array 2022-09-20 through 2022-11-10 for a second field test. Data from this test deployment are not ingested into OOINET, Data Explorer, or the Glider DAC but are available at the link below.
Raw data linkpH Sensor Cross Comparison
Information forthcoming.
Raw data link
Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) Testing
Information forthcoming.
Raw data link