The National Science Foundation encourages scientists to add new instruments or platforms onto the OOI facility. Funding for such additions typically comes from outside of OOI, e.g. a research proposal to NSF core programs or another agency.

Process for PI Added Instruments, Platforms and Infrastructure to the OOI Facility

This webpage addresses the steps required by Principal Investigators (PIs) to propose the addition of new instruments, platforms, or infrastructure to the OOI facility. The OOI facility has five operational arrays that provide mooring, vehicle, and cable-based options for connecting self-contained or integrated instruments. These arrays are called by the Regional Cabled Array (RCA) operated by the University of Washington (UW); the Endurance Array (EA) operated by Oregon State University (OSU); and Coastal Global Scale Network (CGSN) operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). These three institutions comprise the Marine Implementing Organizations (MIOs). The proposed instruments or infrastructure may connect with OOI platform data, control, and power interfaces. As such, the technical feasibility of the suggested action, environmental implications, costs, potential risks, and mitigation measures need to be assessed prior to implementation.

Note that the process only considers the feasibility of the proposed addition and does not consider the scientific merit of the proposal. The latter is handled by the appropriate review process. Any information shared with OOI staff will be treated as confidential and will adhere to the same confidentiality rules NSF uses for reviewers and panelists.

The Process

The process for adding new instruments or infrastructure to the OOI consists of several steps:

1. The first step in the process is to contact the applicable MIO or send an email to with a brief description of your concept. This brief description should include (a) what the PI would like to add (e.g., instrument and infrastructure) and (b) at which array location(s). This information will be used to determine a relevant point of contact (POC) within the MIO.

2. If the PI decides to submit a proposal, the MIO POC’s will assist the PI towards completion of an Instrument Integration and Planning Form (IIPF), which provides a technical description of the project. As needed, the MIO and PI will work with the Cyberinfrastructure (CI) team concerning data management, data storage, accessibility, delivery, and data telemetry costs.

3. The MIO staff works with the PI to create a Technical Feasibility and Cost Letter (TFCL) which includes the following

  •  A description of the technical scope of the project, deployment information (e.g., ship or ROV time), a feasibility assessment of the proposed instrument(s) or infrastructure, and OOI required costs (e.g. cabling and connectors, at-sea costs for staff, data storage and accessibility).
  • A description of any potential risks to OOI infrastructure and any steps planned to mitigate these risks.

4. The POC presents a summary of the technical plan, which may be in the form of a draft TFCL, to the OOI’s Science Oversight Committee (SOC). At the SOC meeting:

  • A high-level overview and technical plan of the proposed project are presented.
  • The SOC discusses whether the proposed technical plan is technically feasible.

5. At the conclusion of the discussion the SOC may choose to either:

  • Recommend to proceed as a feasible plan.
  • Request additional technical information in consultation with the PI.

6. If the SOC views the proposed addition as feasible and a reasonable-risk to OOI infrastructure, the MIO staff works with the PI to finalize the TFCL. The PI is expected to include the TFCL in a proposal to NSF or other funding agency as supporting material.

7. The PI submits a proposal to obtain funding for all activities and expenses related to the additions. Anticipated work by the MIO must be included as a subcontract, or similar vehicle as required by the funding agency, and include a statement of work (SOW), budget from the MIO, and any other material that may be required by the agency or institution. For proposals requiring seagoing support, the expectations for ship time, berthing, and deck and lab space may be included in the SOW by the MIO.

8. If funding is approved, the PI works with MIO staff to schedule and accomplish the proposed addition and related activities.

9. The PI is responsible for meeting the OOI Environmental Compliance (EC) Procedure and filling out the Organization Environmental Impacts Checklist. The PI is to work with NSF on any issues with MIO assistance if necessary.