Scientists, teachers, students, and laypersons are encouraged to seek funding to test scientific hypotheses or address scientific questions based on OOI data.

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) encourages interested entities to seek funding through its core science and technology programs and relevant special program announcements as they become available. For information on NSF Ocean Sciences programs (OCE), please visit the OCE homepage. For more comprehensive exploration of active funding opportunities, visit NSF’s Funding Search portal. For general information and guidance regarding the process of proposal submission to NSF related to the OOI facility, scientists should reach out to the NSF OOI Program Director Dr. George Voulgaris at

Active Funding Opportunities

If you are considering using OOI data in your research or classroom, you might want to check the following funding opportunities.

  • Using Long-Term Research Associated Data (ULTRA-Data) encourages submission of proposals for projects that use/reuse long-term environmental data to advance understanding of ecological and evolutionary questions.
  • NSF 22-059 Dear Colleague Letter that encourages curriculum development proposals with the goal of improving the education of the next generation of ocean technicians, data scientists, ocean engineers, and ocean scientists.
  • NSF 23-134 Dear Colleague Letter that encourages workshop proposals to develop connections between academic departments and ocean industries, ocean technicians, data scientists, ocean engineers, and ocean scientists.
  • NSF 21-24 Dear Colleague Letter encourages research addressing Critical Aspects of Sustainability (CAS) related to climate change solutions. Proposals addressing cross-cutting topics could focus on technology and workforce development with an emphasis on behavioral and social aspects related to climate mitigation and adaptation. Potential relevant topics in red may include:
    o Measurement and sensing innovations;
    o Artificial Intelligence and other data analytics, computational and statistical modeling and simulation approaches that directly address climate change solutions;
    o Understanding the role of human behavior in achieving mitigation strategies;
    o Energy and climate education, capacity building, and broadening participation.
  • FY2024 Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed Project -The Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) was established to advance predictions and forecasts by fostering continued coordination of development and testing work between federal and non-federal operational and research partners. The COMT aims to support projects that facilitate and accelerate the transition of models and model based technologies from research environments toward operational readiness.

Technical Assistance

If you have technical questions about OOI data prior to submitting a proposal, please contact the HelpDesk to arrange to talk with OOI staff. Potential investigators can schedule an appointment to meet virtually with OOI Operations Staff to discuss technical requirements, testing, and any other questions regarding adding instrumentation onto the OOI arrays or using OOI data.

Also, please join our mailing list for OOI updates.