Four different arrays comprise the uncabled portion of the OOI.  Information on the two Coastal (Pioneer and Endurance) and two Global arrays (Station Papa and Irminger Sea) is found here. Some uncabled moorings have the ability to provide power for instruments and telemetry of data from certain platforms.  Users can also propose to attach instruments to moorings that are self-powered and self-recording.

The process for connecting to the Pioneer, Endurance, Station Papa or Irminger Sea Array is as follows:

  • Instruments: Researchers identify candidate instruments
  • Make an Appointment with Operations Staff: Investigators make an appointment with OOI Operations Staff at one of the quarterly information sessions for the observatory. There is no cost associated with this consultation for the researcher.
  • Technical Feasibility/Cost Letter from the Observatory: Staff will generate a letter for each researcher appointment that details the technical feasibility and recommended connection location/timeline as well as costs for the OOI staff based on this recommendation.  Researchers may use this letter to inform their proposal cost estimates.
  • Obtain Data Storage and Delivery Feasibility/Cost Letter: Follow instructions in the Cyberinfrastructure section below.
  • Costs:


Cyberinfrastructure Data Storage and Delivery

The Cyberinfrastructure component is the implementing organization responsible for OOI software, computing hardware, and data lifecycle and data quality management. Initiating data flow from instruments connected to the OOI cabled and uncabled arrays requires development of parser and algorithm code, calibration information, quality control lookup values, and other instrument and data format information. Adding new instrumentation to the OOI will require development work and data review by the CI team. Below is a list of potential tasking necessary to complete the integration of a new sensor from a CI perspective. Please note that not all instruments will require all of the tasks listed below, and, for newly invented or experimental instrumentation, there is potential for additional tasking.

  • Determine Interface Requirements: Researchers contact Cyberinfrastructure Program Manager (via HelpDesk) to obtain an updated cost estimate and list of integration steps. A consultation session can be requested as well.
  • Obtain Technical Feasibility/Cost Letter from the Observatory: Staff will generate a letter for each researcher appointment that details the technical feasibility as well as costs for the OOI staff based on this recommendation.  Researchers may use this letter to inform their proposal cost estimates.  For NSF Submissions, proposers should upload this letter as a supplemental document.

CI Cost Responsibilities (Estimated costs are variable, and can be provided upon request)