The OOI’s network of interactive, globally distributed sensors provides access to real-time ocean data, enhancing our capability to address critical issues such as climate change, ecosystem variability, ocean acidification, and carbon cycling.

The Observatory consists of five arrays continuously collecting ocean data. Two coastal arrays expand existing observations off both U.S. coasts. A cabled array ‘wires’ a region in the Northeast Pacific Ocean with high-speed optical and high-power grid that powers data gathering and observation. And global components address planetary-scale changes using moored open-ocean infrastructure linked to shore via satellite.

The data collected from these arrays are relayed through an integrated Cyberinfrastructure Technology. (Data from two decommissioned arrays is also available for research and education.) Users can use the Data Explorer to manipulate, visual, and share data. Users can also view and download raw data and data products through the OOI Data Portal.

Explore OOI Research Arrays
Explore OOI Infrastructure
Explore OOI Instruments