During each maintenance cruise, CTD casts are performed prior to deployment and following recovery of most OOI assets (glider deployments may involve a single reference CTD cast). Water samples are collected in Niskin bottles at multiple depths, and analyzed for oxygen (Winkler), chlorophyll-a fluorescence & pigment distribution, nitrate/nitrite (and potentially a full nutrient suite), total DIC & total alkalinity, pH, and salinity. These data include:

UNOLS Shipboard Instrumentation

Shipboard, aka “Underway”, Instrumentation are available for download as events from the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Event Logger as well as more traditional file formats, including pdf, csv, spreadsheets, and equipment native file formats. Anticipated file size ~100Gb/cruise.

    UNOLS Shipboard data include:

    • Navigation Track (native)
    • Multibeam Data (native)
    • Underway Meteorologic Data, e.g. SST, air temp, humidity, wind speed (spreadsheet)
    • ADCP (native, processed)
    • CTD Cast Data (Raw Files)
    • CTD Cast Data (Processed: spreadsheet)
    • Sailing Orders, Staffing Logs (doc/pdf)
    • In-line/underway Cytometer (if available)

Cruise Report

Cruise Reports themselves are posted as PDFs. Additionally, ancillary data are included with the Cruise Reports for download. These files are downloaded as raw spreadsheets, csv files, and high resolution figures. Anticipated file size ~100Mb/cruise max.

    Cruise Report ancillary data include:

    • Figures
    • Map
    • E-log
    • ROV dive tracks, ROV Log
    • Instrument Layouts

Water Samples from CTD Rosette

Water samples from the CTD Rosette are taken back to the laboratory and analyzed for numerous parameters. These data serve as calibration and field verification data for the observatory. They may be downloaded as spreadsheets, csv files, and equipment native file format. Anticipated file size <100Mb/cruise max.

    Water Samples analyzed include:

    • Salinity (shore-based analysis)
    • Dissolved oxygen (ship- or shore-based analysis)
    • Chl-a fluorescence (ship- or shore-based analysis)
    • Pigment distribution (shore-based analysis)
    • Nitrate + nitrite (shore-based analyses)
    • Full nutrient suite: PO4, NO3, NO2, SIOH4, NH4 (shore-based analyses)
    • Total DIC, total alkalinity (shore-based analyses)
    • pH, spectrophotometric (shore-based analyses)

Physical Samples from Seafloor (Water, Gas, Other; cabled cruises only)

Physical Samples from the Seafloor are taken back to the laboratory and analyzed for numerous parameters. These data serve as calibration and field verification data for the observatory. They may be downloaded as spreadsheets, csv files, high-resolution figures, and equipment native file format.

    Physical Samples analyzed include:

  • Methane
  • Ethane
  • Hydrogen sulfide
  • Carbon dioxide
  • pH
  • Sediment Cores