The Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Central Shallow Water Mooring is located on the Continental Shelf, approximately 30 meters deep. The MAB continental shelf north of Cape Hatteras is characterized by a persistent equator-ward current originating from the north, a shelfbreak front separating shelf and slope waters, distributed buoyancy inputs from rivers, variable wind forcing, and intermittent offshore forcing by Gulf Stream meanders.

Platform DOI and Citation Guidance

OOI assigns Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) at the platform or site level. The DOI for the Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Central Shallow Water Mooring is 10.58046/OOI-CP12CNSW.

The minimum recommended citation for this platform is:

NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative. (2024). Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Central Shallow Water Mooring, DOI: 10.58046/OOI-CP12CNSW.

This follows the format NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative. (Year Published). Platform Title, DOI: Platform DOI, where Year Published is the year OOI data collection began at the site.

We encourage data users to incorporate full citations when referencing OOI data in order to support FAIR data principles and data traceability. OOI also provides further guidance on citations, including information on adding specific data products and data access points to citations.

Data Access

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Platform Description

The Pioneer MAB Central Shallow Water Mooring is located on the Continental Shelf, approximately 30 meters deep. The MAB continental shelf north of Cape Hatteras is characterized by a persistent equator-ward current originating from the north, a shelfbreak front separating shelf and slope waters, distributed buoyancy inputs from rivers, variable wind forcing, and intermittent offshore forcing by Gulf Stream meanders. The Pioneer MAB Array is designed to resolve transport processes and ecosystem dynamics in the vicinity of the shelfbreak front, which is a region of complex oceanographic dynamics, intermittent mesoscale variability, and enhanced biological productivity.

Like other moorings, the Pioneer MAB Central Shallow Water Mooring is specifically designed to examine coastal-scale phenomena and withstand the challenging conditions of shallow coastal environments. The Shallow Water Mooring contains instruments attached to a Surface Buoy floating on the sea surface, the wave-powered Wire Following Profiler, and a Multi-Function Node (MFN) located on the seafloor. The Profiler and the MFN instruments communicate with the Surface Buoy through the inductive riser wire. Additionally, the Surface Buoy contains antennas to transmit data to shore via satellite.


This site/platform includes the following instruments. To learn more about an instrument type, select the instrument class-series. To access relevant data streams for an instrument, the instrument code will take you to the OOI Data Portal.

Instrument Code Depth Node Instrument
Make & Model
CP12CNSW-WFP01-03-FLORTP000 2 to 22 meters Wire-Following Profiler 3-wavelength Fluorometer (FLORTK) WET Labs - ECO Triplet
CP12CNSW-WFP01-00-WFPENG001 2 to 22 meters Wire-Following Profiler Controller (WFPENG) McLane Research Labs - Prawler
CP12CNSW-SBI01-02-CTDMOS011 1m Surface Buoy CTD (CTDMOS) Sea-Bird - SBE 37IM
CP12CNSW-WFP01-01-CTDPFP000 2 to 22 meters Wire-Following Profiler CTD (CTDPFK) Sea-Bird - SBE 52MP
CP12CNSW-MFI01-02-CTDMOS031 29m Seafloor Multi-Function Node (MFN) CTD (CTDMOS) Sea-Bird - SBE 37IM
CP12CNSW-WFP01-02-DOFSTP000 2 to 22 meters Wire-Following Profiler Dissolved Oxygen (DOSTAD) Aanderaa - Optode 4831
CP12CNSW-SBS01-05-MOPAK0000 0m Surface Buoy Motion Pack (MOPAK0) Microstrain - 3DM-GX3-25
CP12CNSW-SBS01-00-STCENG000 0m Surface Buoy Platform Controller (STCENG) WHOI - Sensor and Telemetry Controller
CP12CNSW-SBS01-03-ADCPUP000 1m Surface Buoy Velocity Profiler (ADCPUP) Nortek - Aquadopp Profiler S1VP
CP12CNSW-MFI01-02-ADCPTQ010 29m Seafloor Multi-Function Node (MFN) Velocity Profiler (ADCPTQ) Teledyne RDI - Workhorse II Sentinel 600kHz