Oregon Slope Base Deep Profiler Mooring (RS01SBPD)
The Oregon Slope Base Deep Profiler Mooring is located adjacent to the continental slope off the coast of Oregon at a water depth of ~2,900 meters. Here, ocean water properties are profoundly impacted by the California Current, and perhaps internal waves.
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OOI assigns Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) at the platform or site level. The DOI for the Oregon Slope Base Deep Profiler Mooring is 10.58046/OOI-RS01SBPD.
The minimum recommended citation for this site is:
NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative. (2014). Oregon Slope Base Deep Profiler Mooring, DOI: 10.58046/OOI-RS01SBPD.
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Site Description
The Oregon Slope Base Deep Profiler Mooring is located adjacent to the continental slope off the coast of Oregon at a water depth of ~2,900 meters. Here, ocean water properties are profoundly impacted by the California Current, and perhaps internal waves. The coastal region of the Pacific Northwest is a classic wind-driven upwelling system where nutrient-rich deep waters rise to replace warmer surface waters. The result is a large increase in marine productivity that ranges from phytoplankton to fish to marine mammals. Near bottom fauna are periodically negatively impacted by the flow of deep waters with very low oxygen concentrations (hypoxia events), and upwelling of corrosive, acidified waters onto the continental shelf.
As with other Cabled Deep Profiler Moorings, this mooring contains a Wire-Following Profiler that transmits data both through WiFi, as well as through an inductive link at its basal docking station that is connected to the cable. The Wire-Following Profiler hosts six instruments and moves through the water column along the mooring cable, continuously sampling ocean characteristics over a specified depth interval (150 meters below sea surface to near bottom). The fiber-optic cable provides the mooring with significant power and bandwidth and is co-located with a Low-Power Jbox, that collects complementary water property data.
When coupled with other Cabled Array and Endurance Array installations off the central Oregon coast, the Slope Base Deep Profiler Mooring will provide a wide variety of opportunities for observing coastal phenomena, including cross-shelf and along-shelf variability.
This site/platform includes the following instruments. To learn more about an instrument type, select the instrument class-series. To access relevant data streams for an instrument, the instrument code will take you to the OOI Data Portal.
Instrument Code | Depth | Node | Instrument Class-Series |
Make & Model |
RS01SBPD-DP01A-03-FLNTUA104 | 200 to 2,905 meters | Wire-Following Profiler (DP01A) | 2-Wavelength Fluorometer (FLNTUA) | WET Labs - FLNTURTD (chlorophyll and backscatter) |
RS01SBPD-DP01A-02-VEL3DA103 | 200 to 2,905 meters | Wire-Following Profiler (DP01A) | 3-D Single Point Velocity Meter (VEL3DA) | Falmouth Scientific - ACM-3D-MP |
RS01SBPD-DP01A-03-FLCDRA104 | 200 to 2,905 meters | Wire-Following Profiler (DP01A) | CDOM Fluorometer (FLCDRA) | WET Labs - FLCDRTD (CDOM) |
RS01SBPD-DP01A-01-CTDPFL104 | 200 to 2,905 meters | Wire-Following Profiler (DP01A) | CTD (CTDPFL) | Sea-Bird - SBE 52MP |
RS01SBPD-DP01A-06-DOSTAD104 | 200 to 2,905 meters | Wire-Following Profiler (DP01A) | Dissolved Oxygen (DOSTAD) | Aanderaa - Optode 4831 |
RS01SBPD-DP01A-00-ENG000000 | 200 to 2,905 meters | Wire-Following Profiler (DP01A) | Mobile Asset Controller (ENG000) | Teledyne Webb - G2 Slocum Gliders |
RS01SBPD-DP01A-05-OPTAAC102 | 200 to 2,905 meters | Wire-Following Profiler (DP01A) | Spectrophotometer (OPTAAC) | WET Labs - AC-S Deep |