Jack Barth
Oregon State University
Dr. Barth brings extensive expertise in coastal ocean dynamics, marine ecosystems, and hypoxia, with a research focus on the complex spatial and temporal variations of coastal circulation and water properties and their influence on marine ecosystems. A leader in high-resolution ocean observations, he has played a pivotal role in advancing ocean observing systems and dissemination of the data they produce.
With a Ph.D. in Oceanography from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program, Dr. Barth has led numerous research initiatives resulting in over 140 scientific papers, mentored more than 20 graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. His research interests include high-resolution observations from the inner continental shelf to the adjacent deep ocean in an eastern boundary current upwelling system; influence of physical processes on the formation of low-oxygen (hypoxic) zones on the continental shelf; and the development of ocean observing systems.