Irminger Sea Convection and the roles of Atmospheric Forcing and Stratification

The high-latitude North Atlantic, is a region where seasonal convection results in deep water formation, a process critical to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Surface cooling by cold air and strong winds in the Irminger Sea transforms the surface water and drives deep convection in winter. Prior studies have shown that AMOC strength is linked to the extent of water mass transformation in the Irminger Sea and Iceland Basin. A study by de Jong et al. (2025) used a 19-year time series with weekly resolution compiled from moorings and Argo floats to evaluate the year-to-year variability of deep convection and its relationship to atmospheric forcing versus water column stratification.

A time series of surface forcing for the 19-year analysis period (2002-2020) was obtained from the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) ERA-5 global atmospheric reanalysis. Hydrographic data from the near-surface to 2500 m was collected from three sources: the NIOZ Long-term Ocean Circulation Observations (LOCO) mooring, the GEOMAR Central Irminger Sea (CIS) mooring, and the OOI Hybrid Profiler Mooring (HYPM). Surface temperature and salinity from Argo, ERA-5, and the OOI surface mooring, along with nearby Argo profiles, were used to provide data at the surface and in the upper water column. The records were merged with 25 m vertical resolution and one week time resolution. Mixed layer depth was determined from the hydrographic profiles using a published algorithm with further quality control using multiple criteria.

The time series of potential vorticity (PV) and mixed layer depth (MLD; Fig. 1d), highlights the significant interannual variability. Some years (e.g. 2002-2003) show relatively shallow winter MLD and little evidence of sustained low PV (which would indicate deep mixing) between years. Other years (e.g. 2015-2016) show strong convection, deep MLD, and sustained low PV. While the change in stratification due to warming and freshening related to climate change is expected to weaken convection future convection, analysis showed that in this record there was a strong correlation between the annual maximum MLD and the total accumulated winter heat loss. The correlation between maximum summer stratification and maximum MLD the following winter was not significant. Thus, among other findings, the authors concluded that during the period analyzed atmospheric forcing is three times more important than pre-existing stratification in determining the maximum winter mixed layer depth in the Irminger Sea.

The processed and edited temperature and salinity profiles from the OOI Irminger Sea HYPM from September 2014 to May 2020 are described by Le Bas (2023). The processed data are publicly available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and referenced with a DOI. The NCEI record includes information about data quality control, validation and drift correction, gridding method, and algorithms for computation of data products.

This project shows the potential for long-duration OOI moored profiler records to be combined with other data sources to provide unique insights into interannual variability of mixing and deep convection in the Irminger Sea. It is notable that the authors undertook a significant data quality control effort and took advantage of the OOI shipboard validation CTD casts (along with non-OOI CTD data sources) in their processing.

Figure 29: Time series of the combined LOCO, CIS, OOI and Argo record from 2002-2020. a) temperature, b) salinity, c) potential density and d) potential vorticity with mixed layer depth overlaid (black dots). From de Jong et al., 2025.



De Jong, M.F, K.E Fogaren, L. LeBras, L. McRaven and H. Palevsky, (2025). Atmospheric forcing dominates the interannual variability of convection strength in the Irminger Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 130, e2023JC020799.

Le Bras, I. (2023). Water temperature and salinity profiles from the Ocean Observatories Initiative Global Irminger Sea Array Apex profiler mooring from September 2014 to May 2020 (NCEI Accession 0285241). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset.