Posts by Amber Coogan
Irminger Sea Convection and the roles of Atmospheric Forcing and Stratification
The high-latitude North Atlantic, is a region where seasonal convection results in deep water formation, a process critical to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Surface cooling by cold air and strong winds in the Irminger Sea transforms the surface water and drives deep convection in winter. Prior studies have shown that AMOC strength is linked to the extent of water mass transformation in the Irminger Sea and Iceland Basin. A study by de Jong et al. (2025) used a 19-year time series with weekly resolution compiled from moorings and Argo floats to evaluate the year-to-year variability of deep convection and its relationship to atmospheric forcing versus water column stratification.
A time series of surface forcing for the 19-year analysis period (2002-2020) was obtained from the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) ERA-5 global atmospheric reanalysis. Hydrographic data from the near-surface to 2500 m was collected from three sources: the NIOZ Long-term Ocean Circulation Observations (LOCO) mooring, the GEOMAR Central Irminger Sea (CIS) mooring, and the OOI Hybrid Profiler Mooring (HYPM). Surface temperature and salinity from Argo, ERA-5, and the OOI surface mooring, along with nearby Argo profiles, were used to provide data at the surface and in the upper water column. The records were merged with 25 m vertical resolution and one week time resolution. Mixed layer depth was determined from the hydrographic profiles using a published algorithm with further quality control using multiple criteria.
The time series of potential vorticity (PV) and mixed layer depth (MLD; Fig. 1d), highlights the significant interannual variability. Some years (e.g. 2002-2003) show relatively shallow winter MLD and little evidence of sustained low PV (which would indicate deep mixing) between years. Other years (e.g. 2015-2016) show strong convection, deep MLD, and sustained low PV. While the change in stratification due to warming and freshening related to climate change is expected to weaken convection future convection, analysis showed that in this record there was a strong correlation between the annual maximum MLD and the total accumulated winter heat loss. The correlation between maximum summer stratification and maximum MLD the following winter was not significant. Thus, among other findings, the authors concluded that during the period analyzed atmospheric forcing is three times more important than pre-existing stratification in determining the maximum winter mixed layer depth in the Irminger Sea.
The processed and edited temperature and salinity profiles from the OOI Irminger Sea HYPM from September 2014 to May 2020 are described by Le Bas (2023). The processed data are publicly available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and referenced with a DOI. The NCEI record includes information about data quality control, validation and drift correction, gridding method, and algorithms for computation of data products.
This project shows the potential for long-duration OOI moored profiler records to be combined with other data sources to provide unique insights into interannual variability of mixing and deep convection in the Irminger Sea. It is notable that the authors undertook a significant data quality control effort and took advantage of the OOI shipboard validation CTD casts (along with non-OOI CTD data sources) in their processing.
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De Jong, M.F, K.E Fogaren, L. LeBras, L. McRaven and H. Palevsky, (2025). Atmospheric forcing dominates the interannual variability of convection strength in the Irminger Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 130, e2023JC020799.
Le Bras, I. (2023). Water temperature and salinity profiles from the Ocean Observatories Initiative Global Irminger Sea Array Apex profiler mooring from September 2014 to May 2020 (NCEI Accession 0285241). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset.
Read MoreBloom Compression Alongside Marine Heatwaves Contemporary with the Oregon Upwelling Season
Black et al. (2024) examine the impacts of marine heatwave (MHW) events on upwelling-driven blooms off the Oregon coast. They combine OOI data from Endurance moorings off Oregon with satellite data and indices of upwelling and MHW presence to determine how MHW’s impact these blooms. Their work focuses on MHWs and coincident events that occurred off Oregon during the summers of 2015–2023. They found the presence of MHW’s limited the offshore extent of phytoplankton blooms. In late summer 2015 and 2019, both documented MHW years, coastal phytoplankton biomass extended on average 6 and 9 km offshore of the shelf break along the Newport Hydrographic Line, respectively. During years not influenced by anomalous warming, coastal biomass extended over 34 km offshore of the shelf break. Reduced biomass also occurs with reduced upwelling transport and nutrient flux during these anomalous warm periods. However, the enhanced front associated with a MHW aids in the compression of phytoplankton closer to shore. Over shorter events, heatwaves propagating far inshore also coincide with reduced chlorophyll a and sea-surface density at select cross-shelf locations, further supporting a physical displacement mechanism. Paired with the physiological impacts on communities, heatwave-reinforced physical confinement of blooms over the inner-shelf may have a measurable effect on the gravitational flux and alongshore transport of particulate organic carbon. Black is a PhD student at Oregon State University and notes that all data used in the paper, including of course OOI data, are open source. They provide details regarding data access methods and intermediate processing steps along with code modules to reproduce the work at
Black et al. focus much of their analysis on the Oregon Offshore mooring, CE04 (Fig. x). Here they show individual warm events aligned with periods where Chl a was much lower than the time-series average and the climatological mean. The analysis period for 2019 had the lowest average Chl a across all years. From the CE04-derived Chl a climatology, they observed an occurrence of a regular spring bloom (April) and a summer bloom (September). The peak of the summer bloom appears contemporary with the warmest time of year at CE04, and years 2019 and 2023 were the only years that experienced MHWs during this same period. The summer blooms of 2019 and 2023 at CE04 were also noticeably suppressed and difficult to differentiate from surrounding Chl a values.
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I Black, IT, Kavanaugh, MT, Reimers, CE. “Bloom compression alongside marine heatwaves contemporary with the Oregon upwelling season.” Limnology and Oceanography, no. (2024): First published: 16 December 2024,
Read MoreBringing Computer VISION into the Classroom Utilizing RCA Imagery and the OOI Jupyter Hub
There is a rapidly growing demand in Earth system science for workforce expertise in machine learning. To increase marine science students understanding of, and ability to use, artificial intelligence tools, Dr. Katie Bigham and School of Oceanography undergraduate student Atticus Carter are teaching an undergraduate class focused on applying “computer vision” (processing imagery with the computer) to marine science problems. The Computer Vision Across Marine Sciences prototype course for UW undergraduates in the Ocean Technology program includes the development of a Jupyter Binder (a notebook collecting multiple Jupyter Notebooks). Currently, an enormous amount of time is required to manually process imagery collected in marine environments, resulting in a major bottleneck for all research utilizing marine imagery. In this course, students gain an understanding of computer vision capabilities, model training and evaluation, and research applications. The course utilizes real-world datasets from the OOI Regional Cabled Array (RCA), including imagery from remotely operated vehicles utilized on RCA cruises and fixed camera imagery on the array, and from other systems, exposing students to diverse marine habitats. For their final projects, students will develop bespoke models utilizing datasets of their choosing, including RCA imagery. Students can employ the OOI Jupyter Hub for additional computational power, facilitating easy access to imagery and necessary resources. In collaboration with a faculty member in the UW School of Education quantitative data are collected on student learning and feedback for course improvement. The open-access course text is actively under development and is accessible at The team aims to improve the materials based on student feedback. Carter will present findings and learnings from the first version of the class at ASLO 2025 Aquatic Sciences Meeting in the Building Data Literacy Skills in the Next Generation of Aquatic Scientists session hosted by OOI Data Labs.
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Exploring the Coastal Surface Piercing Profiler (CSPP): Capabilities, Challenges & Impact
The Coastal Surface Piercing Profiler (CSPP) is an important component of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI), uniquely designed to collect high-resolution data from the ocean’s surface to the seafloor over the Oregon Shelf. Importantly, as the name implies, the CSPP does not stop at the ocean surface but some of its sensors actually pierces the interface into the near surface atmosphere. Operating in a highly dynamic environment, the CSPP provides valuable datasets that enhance our understanding of ocean-atmosphere interactions, nearshore processes, and biological activity in the upper water column.
In this interview, Jon Fram, co-PI and Program Manager for the Endurance Array (EA), explores the technical capabilities of the CSPP, the difficulties of operating in dynamic coastal conditions, and the significance of its unique datasets. With its ability to profile up through the air-sea interface and its collection of advanced sensors, the CSPP bridges critical gaps in ocean observation. Jon discusses the practical realities of deploying and maintaining the profiler, including a notable recovery effort that illustrates the complexity of coastal oceanographic work.
How does the CSPP operate in such a dynamic environment, and what are some of the challenges associated with deploying and maintaining it?
In between profiles, CSPPs park near the seafloor where currents from waves and tides are relatively calm. As CSPPs winch themselves up to the air-sea interface, they measure winchline tension and they alter their profiling speed to keep the tension constant. This behavior enables CSPPs to surface when waves are up to 3 meters high without the winchline over-wrapping or experiencing snap loads. We monitor conditions so CSPPs don’t profile when seas are too rough. Most of a CSPP’s battery energy goes to operating its winch, so CSPPs need to be recovered/redeployed every 2-3 months and they are limited to 2-4 profiler per day during each deployment (when conditions are sufficiently calm).
What types of sensors and instruments are on the profiler, and what specific data do they collect?
CSPPs average 25 cm/s as they profile upwards. Their CTDs sample at 16 Hz, which corresponds to a measurement every 1.5 cm. Their ~1 Hz instruments include dissolved oxygen (DOSTA), point velocity (VELPT), nitrate (NUTNR), spectral irradiance (SPKIR), photosynthetically active radiation (PARAD), and chlorophyll-a—optical backscatter—CDOM (FLORT). The CSPP is a particularly useful platform for the optical attenuation and absorption instrument (OPTAA), which can be used to characterize phytoplankton communities at the top of the water column.
What are the unique capabilities of the CSPP, and how do its datasets differ from those collected by other platforms within the OOI?
The CSPP is OOI’s only profiler that samples up to the air-sea interface.
How has the profiler contributed to understanding the relationship between atmospheric and oceanic processes in the area?
So far, OOI’s CSPPs have been used to fill in time gaps in mooring data and to fill in spatial gaps between mooring near-surface (NSIF) and benthic (MFN) data. Inshore and shelf CSPP data have been used together to calculate cross-shore exchange of nitrate, which is increased each spring due to coastal upwelling. CSPPs measure at the air-sea surface, so their measurements could be used to validate satellite data.
How could the near-time data transmission from the profiler benefit research efforts or inform stakeholders such as fisheries, conservation groups, or local communities?
Datasets are available within a week after each deployment. They can telemeter all data when they are on the surface at the top of each profile, however, we transfer only data needed for operational decisions to reduce the chance of winchline fouling.
Can you share an anecdote about a particularly challenging or rewarding moment during the deployment, maintenance, or operation of the profiler?
One challenging moment occurred 06 April 2019. During a storm, rough seas (~7m significant wave height, >1 m/s currents) dislodged our 25m depth Oregon Inshore CSPP and deposited it 75 nm north on a pocket beach in Ecola State Park. We climbed down to it, pulled it above the high tide line, disassembled it, and packed it out piece-by-piece up a steep trail in pouring rain. The Endurance Array inshore CSPP and adjacent surface mooring measure the northward fresh/turbid surface current that hugs the Pacific Northwest coast during winter, and which strengthens during storms. This is one example of how the CSPP data can be used to improve our wind, wave and current forecast models.
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Processing an Ocean of Data: OOI Insights from the NSF CI Compass Workshop
At the NSF CI Compass virtual workshop, “Data Management: From Instrument to First Storage,” Jeff Glatstein, OOI Senior Manager of Cyberinfrastructure at WHOI, shared key insights into the challenges and advancements in handling large-scale ocean data.
OOI manages enormous data volumes: 175 billion rows of numerical data, 2.8 petabytes of raw data, 13,000 hours of video, and over 2 million digital stills. In the last quarter alone, 36 terabytes of data were delivered to researchers, highlighting the complexity of managing continuous, multi-source data streams.
Jeff introduced the Jupiter Hub environment, which allows researchers to download and process data directly while supporting FAIR metadata standards. He also addressed challenges like storage costs, technical debt, and the need for scalable infrastructure as data demands grow.
Recent upgrades, including Cassandra improvements and enhanced monitoring systems, have improved efficiency. Future efforts focus on GPU use for AI applications, building a third-generation data center, and ensuring cybersecurity and disaster recovery with geographically distributed storage.
Jeff emphasized the importance of collaboration between observatories and the standardization of data formats to improve integration and sharing. His presentation highlighted the ongoing work required to make ocean data accessible, secure, and valuable for research.
The workshop highlighted the critical role facilities like OOI play in advancing ocean science, offering the tools and infrastructure necessary to manage complex data and foster collaboration across the research community.
To learn more about OOI’s data management strategies, check out Jeff Glatstein’s full slide deck from the NSF Workshop. View it here.
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Life at Sea: Student Reflections from the VISIONS’24 (Leg 1) Expedition
As part of the Regional Cabled Array operations and maintenance 2024 cruise, a cohort of 24 undergraduates spanning different countries of origin, states, and socio-economic backgrounds, participated in the expedition as part of the UW at-sea experiential learning program called VISIONS. This program has allowed over 200 undergraduate students, studying myriad disciplines, the opportunity to spend 8-45 days at sea on NSF-funded global class research ships utilizing state-of-the art remotely operated vehicles (ROV). Onboard, they stand 4-hr on, 8-hr off watches in the ROV control room working alongside the pilots, and RCA engineers and scientists. They work out on deck, learn about ship operations, and gain skills in oceanographic sampling and analyses of fluids. They see first-hand life forms rarely seen thriving in some of the most biologically productive waters in the ocean along the Cascadia Margin, the abyss at 2900 m water depth, and on 350°C underwater hot springs at the summit of Axial Seamount – the most active underwater volcano off the Oregon coast. The interviews below provide a glimpse of VISIONS’24 student impressions of life at sea and their experiences onboard. For many, their lives are forever changed.
Among the cohort was Nichole Sams, a PhD student in the Human-Centered Design and Engineering department, who brought a unique perspective to the program. Working alongside scientists and engineers, she embraced the opportunity to merge her expertise in mental health research with hands-on ocean exploration. Below, Nichole shares how her time aboard the R/V Atlantis shaped her academic journey, expanded her skill set, and inspired new approaches to collaborative research.
What motivated you to join the VISIONS program?
I am a Phd Student in the Human-Centered Design and Engineering department and I study designing and measuring mental health in the wild. When I first heard about VISIONS, I was so excited as I had always had a love for marine biology, but never got a chance to explore. My role and perspective on Visions was a little different, given my field being so far from everyone else on the boat.
What skills did you develop or strengthen during your time at sea that you feel will be valuable in your future career?
I went on Visions to practice research through design techniques, and I built a very beautiful research project around my time on Visions, and I am currently submitting to a large conference, Designing Interactive Systems. Visions gave me an exciting and wonderous play ground to explore my science and start to connect my PhD dissertation pieces together.
How do you see the skills and experiences gained from this program contributing to your role in the future workforce, particularly in science and engineering fields?
I’d like to think that my project aboard VISIONS will serve as a blueprint in how I operate with science teams. I designed a specific method to use on the boat that was very successful, and I plan to use similar methods when working with research teams to design mental health and wellness for their specific contexts.
What advice would you give to other students considering applying for experiential learning programs like VISIONS?
The combination of excitement and nerves can be a lot more impactful than people think when they aren’t going home to their own beds every night. Do preparation to keep yourself mentally strong while adventuring.
What was the most surprising thing you experienced during your time at sea?
Deb and Katie kept telling me that you just have to be on the boat to understand what the boat is like, and that’s so true, it’s an experience unlike any other, and I will carry it with me forever. I think the three things that were most surprising for me were:
- On the bow of the Atlantis, looking up at the galaxies, I found peace with in myself. As neurodivergent person, my mind is never really a quiet place. But on the bow of the Atlantis, I learned how to sit quiet in my mind and find joy in that calmness. I have now learned that this is called the “Blue Mind” which is that humans often receive meditative benefits from enjoying the sea.
- The Beyond-Human Connection. My first dive down I was hooked and mesmerized by the “Big Charismatic Megafauna” as Co-Chief Katie likes to say. I took a photo of a muso octopus and that will stick with me for the rest of my life.
- My science worked! I was engaging in a new, less physically based science methodology, speculative design, and it really worked!

Cyber Resiliency in Ocean Data Systems
With 2.8 petabytes of data collected—and 20-25 terabytes added monthly—the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is committed to ensuring secure, accessible, and reliable oceanic research data for decades to come. At the Cyber Resiliency Summit 2025, Craig Risien, CI Systems Project Manager at the OOI at Oregon State University, shared insights with theCUBE on how the OOI is addressing long-term data challenges through innovative strategies and collaborative partnerships.
Watch the interview:
Cyber Resiliency Summit: Craig Risien
The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is at the forefront of data-driven discovery, leveraging advanced storage solutions, strategic planning, and innovative partnerships to protect and share critical oceanic research data for decades to come.
Hear from Oregon State University’s Craig Risien, CI Systems Project Manager, as he discusses OOI’s cyber resilience strategy with theCUBE at the Cyber Resiliency Summit 2025.
Read the full article by Victor Dabrinze on SiliconANGLE.
Read MoreRegional Cabled Array: Monitoring Axial Seamount in Real Time
The Regional Cabled Array (RCA) is the world’s most extensive undersea volcano monitoring system, located off the Oregon coast. Operated by the University of Washington as part of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI), the RCA features a network of submarine cables extending 200 miles offshore from Pacific City and Newport. This system monitors the Axial Seamount, a submarine volcano expected to erupt this year.
In a recent interview, Deb Kelley, OOI Principal Investigator and Director at the University of Washington School of Oceanography, discussed how the RCA collects near-time data to track seismic activity, hydrothermal systems, and chemical changes associated with volcanic activity. The RCA’s data supports long-term research on ocean dynamics and tectonic processes, providing critical insights into the Earth’s underwater systems.
Watch the full interview with KPTV FOX 12 here:
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Life at Sea: Student Reflections from the VISIONS’24 (Leg 3) Expedition
As part of the Regional Cabled Array operations and maintenance 2024 cruise, a cohort of 24 undergraduates spanning different countries of origin, states, and socio-economic backgrounds, participated in the expedition as part of the UW at-sea experiential learning program called VISIONS. This program has allowed over 200 undergraduate students, studying myriad disciplines, the opportunity to spend 8-45 days at sea on NSF-funded global class research ships utilizing state-of-the art remotely operated vehicles (ROV). Onboard, they stand 4-hr on, 8-hr off watches in the ROV control room working alongside the pilots, and RCA engineers and scientists. They work out on deck, learn about ship operations, and gain skills in oceanographic sampling and analyses of fluids. They see first-hand life forms rarely seen thriving in some of the most biologically productive waters in the ocean along the Cascadia Margin, the abyss at 2900 m water depth, and on 350°C underwater hot springs at the summit of Axial Seamount – the most active underwater volcano off the Oregon coast. The interviews below provide a glimpse of VISIONS’24 student impressions of life at sea and their experiences onboard. For many, their lives are forever changed.
Among the 2024 cohort was Morrigan Havely, whose curiosity and eagerness to explore marine science drove them to join the VISIONS program. Their journey aboard the R/V Atlantis highlights the combination of technical skill-building and personal development that the program supports. Morrigan’s experience reflects the unique community and collaborative spirit found at sea, where learning extends beyond science to include teamwork, resilience, and adaptability.
What motivated you to join the VISIONS program?
An oceanography undergraduate praised his experience with the program the year prior and highly recommended I join. One of my biggest goals with becoming a marine science major was to travel, and after reading about the amazing experiences of past students via their blogs, I knew that I wanted to sail aboard the R/V Atlantis.
What skills did you develop or strengthen during your time at sea that you feel will be valuable in your future career?
Time at sea in general is a super valuable experience, because it’s an entirely different culture than on land. You learn to work with people in extremely close quarters at all hours of the day, even if that means getting up at two in the morning to log Jason events. Learning about ship culture and having an on-board experience was an integral part of VISIONS ‘24.
How do you see the skills and experiences gained from the seagoing and Ocean 411 class, contributing to your role in the future workforce, particularly in science and engineering fields?
Research is a huge part of the marine science field, and Deb made sure to emphasize the importance of integrating our findings with education. VISIONS takes a risk by sending inexperienced undergraduates out on a global class research ship conducting industrial-style operations to learn necessary skills, and I think it’s important to recognize and pay that opportunity forward through sharing what we find aboard with the community.
What advice would you give to other students considering applying for experiential learning programs like VISIONS?
Show your enthusiasm for the program! Enthusiasm is a product of a willingness to learn and a desire to be present, and those are the two most important qualities I’ve seen past VISIONS students exhibit. Even if you don’t have experience on boats or doing research, show in your application that you’re willing to stay up for odd hours to watch hydrothermal vent fields in real time and learn lab skills off-shift. Enthusiasm will make up for lack of experience.
What was the most surprising thing you experienced during your time at sea?
How kind and willing everyone was to teach me. Even outside of the science team, we had crew members showing us how to tie knots and work with the equipment on deck. We cracked jokes with the Jason team members in the control van and ate with the mates in the galley. The community created on a ship extends outside of scientists, and I’m so glad I got to be a part of that camaraderie.
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