



For more information about this instrument, including its available Data Products, please see the Seawater pH (PHSEN) Instrument Class page.

Deployed Instruments

The following instruments of this make/model are deployed throughout the OOI. To learn more about an Array or Site, select its name. To see the relevant data streams for a particular instrument, select the instrument code in the first column which will take you to the OOI Data Portal.

Instrument Code Depth Array Site/Platform Node
CE01ISSM-MFD35-06-PHSEND000 25m Coastal Endurance Array Oregon Inshore Surface Mooring (CE01ISSM) Seafloor Multi-Function Node (MFN)
CE01ISSM-RID16-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Endurance Array Oregon Inshore Surface Mooring (CE01ISSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame
CE02SHBP-LJ01D-10-PHSEND103 80m Cabled Endurance Array Oregon Shelf Benthic Experiment Package (CE02SHBP) Low-Power JBox (LJ01D)
CE02SHSM-RID26-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Endurance Array Oregon Shelf Surface Mooring (CE02SHSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame
CE04OSBP-LJ01C-10-PHSEND107 580m Cabled Endurance Array Oregon Offshore Cabled Benthic Experiment Package (CE04OSBP) Low-Power JBox (LJ01C)
CE04OSSM-RID26-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Endurance Array Oregon Offshore Surface Mooring (CE04OSSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame
CE06ISSM-MFD35-06-PHSEND000 29m Coastal Endurance Array Washington Inshore Surface Mooring (CE06ISSM) Seafloor Multi-Function Node (MFN)
CE06ISSM-RID16-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Endurance Array Washington Inshore Surface Mooring (CE06ISSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame
CE07SHSM-MFD35-06-PHSEND000 87m Coastal Endurance Array Washington Shelf Surface Mooring (CE07SHSM) Seafloor Multi-Function Node (MFN)
CE07SHSM-RID26-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Endurance Array Washington Shelf Surface Mooring (CE07SHSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame
CE09OSSM-MFD35-06-PHSEND000 540m Coastal Endurance Array Washington Offshore Surface Mooring (CE09OSSM) Seafloor Multi-Function Node (MFN)
CE09OSSM-RID26-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Endurance Array Washington Offshore Surface Mooring (CE09OSSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame
CP01CNSM-MFD35-06-PHSEND000 133m Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf Array Central Surface Mooring (CP01CNSM) Seafloor Multi-Function Node (MFN)
CP01CNSM-RID26-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf Array Central Surface Mooring (CP01CNSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame
CP03ISSM-MFD35-06-PHSEND000 92m Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf Array Inshore Surface Mooring (CP03ISSM) Seafloor Multi-Function Node (MFN)
CP03ISSM-RID26-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf Array Inshore Surface Mooring (CP03ISSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame
CP04OSSM-MFD35-06-PHSEND000 450m Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf Array Offshore Surface Mooring (CP04OSSM) Seafloor Multi-Function Node (MFN)
CP04OSSM-RID26-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf Array Offshore Surface Mooring (CP04OSSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame
CP10CNSM-MFD36-06-PHSEND000 30m Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Array Central Surface Mooring (CP10CNSM) Multi-Function Node
CP10CNSM-RID26-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Array Central Surface Mooring (CP10CNSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame
CP11NOSM-MFD36-06-PHSEND000 100m Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Array Northern Surface Mooring (CP11NOSM) Multi-Function Node
CP11NOSM-RID26-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Array Northern Surface Mooring (CP11NOSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame
CP11SOSM-MFD36-06-PHSEND000 100m Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Array Southern Surface Mooring (CP11SOSM) Multi-Function Node
CP11SOSM-RID26-06-PHSEND000 7m Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Array Southern Surface Mooring (CP11SOSM) Near Surface Instrument Frame