The OOI manages and integrates data from more than 900 instruments deployed on its five arrays. Instruments are located on both fixed and mobile platforms including surface buoys, inductive mooring cables, seafloor junction boxes, profilers, gliders, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Overall, nearly 75 models of specialized instruments are used throughout the OOI, continuously collecting more than 200 unique data products.

Instruments on OOI arrays consist of Core Instruments, those that are integral to the OOI’s data collection infrastructure, and PI instruments, which have been added to the arrays to collect specific data to either test hypotheses or conduct specific experiments. Researchers who are interested in adding an instrument to OOI’s Regional Cabled Array or uncabled moorings can find more information here.

To learn more about a specific type of instrument, its location, and the data products associated with it, select from the list below.

OOI Instruments

Image Instrument Name Primary Discipline
VEL3D 3-D Single Point Velocity Meter (VEL3D) Physical
FLOBN Benthic Fluid Flow (FLOBN) Chemical
ZPLS Bio-acoustic Sonar (ZPLS) Biological
BOTPT Bottom Pressure and Tilt (BOTPT) Geological
HYDBB Broadband Acoustic Receiver (Hydrophone) (HYDBB) Physical
OBSBB Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBSBB) Geological
METBK Bulk Meteorology Instrument Package (METBK) Physical
CTD Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) Physical
TMPSF Diffuse Vent Fluid 3-D Temperature Array (TMPSF) Physical
CAMDS Digital Still Camera (CAMDS) Biological
FDCHP Direct Covariance Flux (FDCHP) Physical
DO2 Dissolved Oxygen (DO2) Chemical
ENG Engineering (ENG) Engineering
FLUOR Fluorometer (FLUOR) Biological
CAMHD HD Digital Video Camera (CAMHD) Geological
HPIES Horizontal Electric Field, Pressure and Inverted Echo Sounder (HPIES) Physical
THSPH Hydrothermal Vent Fluid In-situ Chemistry (THSPH) Chemical
RASFL Hydrothermal Vent Fluid Interactive Sampler (RASFL) Chemical
TRHPH Hydrothermal Vent Fluid Temperature and Resistivity (TRHPH) Geological
HYDLF Low Frequency Acoustic Receiver (Hydrophone) (HYDLF) Physical
MASSP Mass Spectrometer (MASSP) Chemical
NUTNR Nitrate (NUTNR) Chemical
OSMOI Osmosis-Based Water Sampler (OSMOI) Chemical
PRTSZ Particle Size Analysis (PRTSZ) Physical
PPSDN Particulate DNA Sampler (PPSDN) Biological
PCO2A pCO2 Air-Sea (PCO2A) Chemical
PCO2W pCO2 Water (PCO2W) Chemical
PARAD Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PARAD) Biological
PLIMS Plankton Imaging (PLIMS) Biological
PRESF Seafloor Pressure (PRESF) Physical
PHSEN Seawater pH (PHSEN) Chemical
OBSSP Short-Period Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBSSP) Geological
VELPT Single Point Velocity Meter (VELPT) Physical
SPKIR Spectral Irradiance (SPKIR) Physical
OPTAA Spectrophotometer (OPTAA) Biological
WAVSS Surface Wave Spectra (WAVSS) Physical
PREST Tidal Seafloor Pressure (PREST) Physical
TURBD Turbidity (TURBD) Physical
ADCP Velocity (ADCP) Physical

PI Added Instruments

Image Instrument Name Primary Discipline
A-0-A Calibrated Pressure Instrument (A0ABPA301) Marine Geophysics
MARUM Camera System (CAMPIA101) Marine Geophysics
Tagging and Tracking of Large Fish Along the PNW Coast (CE01ISSM-MFD35-03-ARCVRA000)
Cabled Array Vent Imaging Sonar (COVIS) (COVISA301) Marine Geophysics
MARUM CTD-DO Instrument (CTDPFA110) Marine Geophysics
RAPID: Distributed Acoustic Sensing on the OOI’s Regional Cabled Array (DAS) Geophysics
RAPID: Multiplexed Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) at the Ocean Observatory Initiative (OOI) Regional Cabled Array (RCA) (DAS) Geophysics
Lab-on-a-Chip Nitrate and Silicate Sensors (GS01SUMO-RID27-01-NOCNIA000, GS01SUMO-RID27-02-NOCSIA000) Biogeochemistry
MARUM Southern Hydrate Ridge Overview Sonar (OVRSRA101) Marine Geophysics
MARUM Quantification Sonar Southern Hydrate Ridge (QNTSRA101) Marine Geophysics
Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder (SCPRAAA301) Marine Geophysics