Community Tools and Datasets
Find tools that community members have built to access, analyze, and visualize OOI datasets. If you have a resource you’d like to share, please send a note to the HelpDesk.
View Community Tools and Datasets.Educational Resources
Educators are integrating real-time ocean data into undergraduate science coursework to expand their students understanding of ocean processes and issues affecting the ocean. The link below contains many valuable tools to help you get started using OOI data in your classroom.
View Educational ResourcesVisual Resources
In addition to the image and video galleries available on the home page, OOI offers a collection of downloadable images and video for use in presentations, reports, etc. You can access the OOI Digital Media Gallery here.
OOI hosts workshops to help encourage integration of OOI data into scientific research and use in the classroom. Information about past and upcoming workshops can be found here.
Members of the oceanographic community are also encouraged to host workshops about the OOI or how to use its data. While such community workshops are not funded by the OOI, we are happy to support them by helping to increase awareness of plans and possibly provide OOI data experts. If you are planning such a workshop, please contact OOI’s Community Engagement Manager, Amber Coogan, at, so we can help maximize its success and help spread the word.
View WorkshopsOOI Expeditions Blogs
Check out these exciting recountings of OOI expeditions to its arrays:
Expeditions contains images, updates, science party information, and other details of each operation and management cruise to keep OOI arrays operational. Interactive Oceans contains video highlights, daily updates from sea cruises, and a library of still images from the Regional Cabled Array. R/V Neil Armstrong From the Fantail a blog series that covers operation and maintenance expeditions to the Coastal Pioneer and Global Irminger Sea Arrays.