
Teledyne RDI


Workhorse Quartermaster Monitor 150kHz

For more information about this instrument, including its available Data Products, please see the Velocity (ADCP) Instrument Class page.

Deployed Instruments

The following instruments of this make/model are deployed throughout the OOI. To learn more about an Array or Site, select its name. To see the relevant data streams for a particular instrument, select the instrument code in the first column which will take you to the OOI Data Portal.

Instrument Code Depth Array Site/Platform Node
RS01SBPS-PC01A-05-ADCPTD102 200m Cabled Continental Margin Array Oregon Slope Base Shallow Profiler Mooring (RS01SBPS) 200m Platform (PC01A)
RS03AXPS-PC03A-05-ADCPTD302 200m Cabled Axial Seamount Array Axial Base Shallow Profiler Mooring (RS03AXPS) 200m Platform (PC03A)