



For more information about this instrument, including its available Data Products, please see the Seawater pH (PHSEN) Instrument Class page.

Deployed Instruments

The following instruments of this make/model are deployed throughout the OOI. To learn more about an Array or Site, select its name. To see the relevant data streams for a particular instrument, select the instrument code in the first column which will take you to the OOI Data Portal.

Instrument Code Depth Array Site/Platform Node
CE04OSPS-PC01B-4B-PHSENA106 200m Cabled Endurance Array Oregon Offshore Cabled Shallow Profiler Mooring (CE04OSPS) 200m Platform (PC01B)
CE04OSPS-SF01B-2B-PHSENA108 20 to 200 meters Cabled Endurance Array Oregon Offshore Cabled Shallow Profiler Mooring (CE04OSPS) Shallow Profiler (SF01B)
RS01SBPS-PC01A-4B-PHSENA102 200m Cabled Continental Margin Array Oregon Slope Base Shallow Profiler Mooring (RS01SBPS) 200m Platform (PC01A)
RS01SBPS-SF01A-2D-PHSENA101 5 to 200 meters Cabled Continental Margin Array Oregon Slope Base Shallow Profiler Mooring (RS01SBPS) Shallow Profiler (SF01A)
RS03AXPS-PC03A-4B-PHSENA302 200m Cabled Axial Seamount Array Axial Base Shallow Profiler Mooring (RS03AXPS) 200m Platform (PC03A)
RS03AXPS-SF03A-2D-PHSENA301 5 to 200 meters Cabled Axial Seamount Array Axial Base Shallow Profiler Mooring (RS03AXPS) Shallow Profiler (SF03A)