OOI data can be accessed in many ways by anyone with Internet access. The links on this page provide access to different formats for data, as well as various methodologies for how OOI data can be used to answer scientific questions. Explore the available options, then choose how to access data, depending upon your needs.
Visualize and Download Data
- Data Explorer - primary gateway to visualize and access OOI dataData Explorer - primary gateway to visualize and access OOI dataThe Data Explorer is the primary gateway to visualize and access OOI data. An exceptional tool, Data Explorer makes it possible to search across data points, download full datasets using ERDDAP, compare datasets across regions and disciplines, and generate shareable custom data views. It is the primary repository to search and download cabled, uncabled, and recovered data for physical, chemical, geological, and biological observations from the field. The best way to learn about Data Explorer is to try it out here.
- Data Portal - legacy interface for OOI science and engineering dataData Portal - legacy interface for OOI science and engineering dataThe Data Portal(OOINet) is the legacy interface for OOI science and engineering data. The Data Portal provides access to nearly all the data from the cabled and uncabled array, which are collected in real-time and telemetered back to shore. For more information about the Data Portal, visit this page on the OOI website.
Find Metadata
- Calibration Documents - how to locate instrument sensor calibration documents
Calibration Documents - how to locate instrument sensor calibration documents - Asset Management Metadata - access instrument locations and calibration data on GithubAsset Management Metadata - access instrument locations and calibration data on Github
- Metadata Review - check to see if and when changes have been made to metadataMetadata Review - check to see if and when changes have been made to metadata
- Data Explorer Metadata - how to find and use metadata in Data ExplorerData Explorer Metadata - how to find and use metadata in Data Explorer
Direct Download of Datasets
- Community Datasets - compiled by members of the OOI communityCommunity Datasets - compiled by members of the OOI communityThe OOI Community Datasets are compiled by members of the OOI community. Two datasets accessible on this page focus on Axial Seamount, providing earthquake and biology catalogs. A third provides a biology catalog of the coastal slope, using data collected by the Regional Cabled Array. For more information about Community Datasets and Tools, visit this page on the OOI website.
- Cruise Data - data from CTD casts and water sampling conducted during cruisesCruise DataThe Cruise data provides data from the CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) casts and discrete water sampling conducted during OOI cruises as well as data from ship underway instrumentation. CTD casts are performed prior to deployment and following recovery of most OOI assets. Glider deployments also may involve a single reference CTD cast. Water samples are collected in Niskin bottles at multiple depths, and analyzed for oxygen (Winkler), chlorophyll-a fluorescence and pigment distribution, nitrate/nitrite and potentially other nutrients, carbon (at least two of either dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), alkalinity, pH, and pCO2), and salinity. Cruise data are available from more than 50 cruises to OOI’s seven arrays. For more information about the Cruise Data, visit this page on the OOI website.”
- IRIS - access and download OOI seismic and LF hydrophone dataIRIS - access and download OOI seismic and LF hydrophone dataIRIS is a way to access and download OOI seismic and LF hydrophone data. IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology)is a consortium of universities dedicated to the acquisition, management, and distribution of seismological data. All seismic-related and hydrophone data collected by the Regional Cabled Array is deposited in IRIS. For more information about IRIS visit this page.
- PI-Added Instruments - access to datasets compiled by Principal Investigators PI-Added Instruments - access to datasets compiled by Principal Investigators Access datasets compiled by Principal Investigators who have added instruments onto OOI arrays. The National Science Foundation provides funding through its core programs to encourage scientists to add new instruments or platforms onto the OOI Observatory. Many scientists have taken advantage of this opportunity and share their data with the broader OOI community. For more information about PI-Added Instruments, visit this page on the OOI website.
- Raw Data Archive - access to raw instrument and engineering datasetsRaw Data Archive - access to raw instrument and engineering datasetsThe Raw Data Archive provides access to raw instrument and engineering datasets. OOI raw data are received in instrument-specific format. A guide for how to access and download data from the Raw Data Archive is on this page on the OOI website.
- Fluid and Particulate Samples Datasets - lab results from Regional Cabled Array seafloor water sampling instrumentsFluid and Particulate Samples Datasets - lab results from Regional Cabled Array seafloor water sampling instrumentsThese datasets are lab results from Regional Cabled Array (RCA) seafloor water sampling instruments. The datasets contain processed analytical data and metadata for a subset of Cabled Array instruments that collect fluid or particulate samples that are brought back to shore and analyzed in a laboratory. Numerical and other processed analytical results are generally provided in spreadsheet form. Associated metadata files including analytical protocols, sampling and recovery notes, and sample log files are presented in .pdf format. As-deployed images of instruments are provided in .jpg format, with image metadata summarized in spreadsheet-based catalogs. For more information about the Fluid and Particulate Samples Datasets, visit this page on the OOI website.
- Testing Data - datasets from instruments and platforms deployed for testing purposesTesting Data - datasets from instruments and platforms deployed for testing purposesThese datasets are test results from instruments and platforms that OOI has deployed for testing purposes (e.g. a pH sensor cross comparison). A complete list of testing datasets can be accessed here.
- THREDDS - download full resolution OOI datasetsTHREDDS - download full resolution OOI datasetsUse THREDDS to download full-resolution OOI datasets. THREDDS offers pre-computed scientific numerical data products with calibrations applied along side engineering data. Datasets are accessible by deployment and stream. THREDDS uses OPeNDAP, OGC WMS and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access protocols. A complete list of THREDDS datasets can be accessed here.
Access Datasets Using Scripts
- Machine to Machine Application Programming Interface - access to full resolution datasetsMachine to Machine Application Programming Interface - access to full resolution datasetsUse OOI’s Machine to Machine Application Programming Interface (M2M API) to access full resolution datasets. M2M allows two software programs to communicate with each other. For OOI, this interface allows authenticated users to request small amounts of data via synchronous JSON requests, request larger amounts of data in NetCDF or CSV format to download multiple data streams or data from multiple platforms, or set up recurring downloads to update an existing dataset. For more information about M2M API, visit this page on the OOI website.
- ERDDAP - download ~600 OOI datasets in common file formatsERDDAP - download ~600 OOI datasets in common file formatsERDDAP stands for “Environmental Research Division Data Access Program.” It is a data server that provides a simple, consistent way to download subsets of scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps. OOI’s ERDDAP server provides access to ~600 datasets organized by OOI arrays. Datasets can be downloaded in common file formats (e.g, CSV, NetCDF, or JSON), with the capability of creating graphs and maps, and used in several different applications and utilities such as Python, R, Javascript, and MATLAB. For more information, visit this page on the OOI website.
- Jupyter Hub - Access OOI's Jupyter HubJupyter Hub is a multi-user, web accessible, environment for running Jupyter Notebooks, which eliminates the need to download OOI data. For more information, visit this page on the OOI website.
Access Imagery Data
- Axial Seamount Live Video - live video of RCA shipboard operations and underwater workAxial Seamount Live Video - live video of RCA shipboard operations and underwater workEvery summer in August, the Regional Cabled Array’s VISIONS Expedition is in the water. Shipboard operations and underwater work of a Remotely Operated Vehicle are continually broadcast live around-the-clock while the ship is at sea. The video provides a bird’s eye view of ongoing operations. Many bookmark the link to check in during the entire month of August. For more information and to watch the next VISIONS expedition, visit and bookmark this page on the OOI website.
- Axial Seamount Video Archive - access and download previously recorded RCA videosAxial Seamount Video Archive - access and download previously recorded RCA videosThe Regional Cabled Array is equipped with high-definition cameras that continually record what is happening below the water surface. Users can access and download previously recorded videos in our archive. Files are sorted by date and available in .mp4 and .mov formats. We recommend downloading the compressed .mp4 versions. For more information about RCA’s high-definition camera recordings archive, visit this page on the OOI website.
Access Data from Partner Data Sites
- Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) BCO-DMO curates and publishes publicaly available research-ready oceanographic data in accordance with FAIR data principles to support data reuse and open science. OOI works with BCO-DMO to make discrete water sampling data collected during OOI operation and management cruises available through the open BCO-DMO database. Water sampling data available through BCO-DMO is concatenated per OOI array. To view OOI water sampling data at BCO-DMO, visit this page.
- IOOS Glider DAC IOOS Glider DAC The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System’s (IOOS) National Glider Data Assembly Center (Glider DAC) is an open data portal containing IOOS’ portfolio of oceanographic observations and forecast products. The observations and products are provided by IOOS’ 11 Regional Associations, Data Assembly Centers, and federal partners. For more information about the Glider DAC, visit this page.
- GOA-ONGOA-ONThe Global Ocean Acidification Network (GOA-ON) is a collaborative international network to detect and understand the drivers of ocean acidification. The network helps provide early warning of the impacts of ocean acidification and provides input to communities, industry and governments seeking to develop action plans, best practices, and mitigation or adaptation strategies to address ocean acidification impacts. For more information about GOA-ON, visit this page.
- Interactive OceansInteractive OceansInteractive Oceans is the data portal for OOI’s Regional Cabled Array. The portal contains three applications: an interactive map, data visualizations, and ocean science notebooks. The portal is the repository for 11.2 terabytes of data from 236 instruments. For more information about Interactive Oceans, visit this page.
- IRISIRIS The Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) is a consortium of universities for the acquisition, management, and distribution of seismological data. Data from 14 different sampling locations on OOI’s Regional Cabled Array (RCA), including key sites at Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca mid-ocean ridge spreading center, near the toe of the Cascadia Margin and Southern Hydrate Ridge, are in the IRIS database. RCA data are catalogued and available on the IRIS site, using the identifier “OO.” For more information about IRIS, visit this page.
- NANOOSNANOOSThe Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS) serves OOI data from OOI’s Coastal Endurance Oregon and Washington Line Surface Moorings through its visualization system. For more information about NANOOS, visit this page.
- NDBCNDBCThe National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) collects and provides marine observations to understand and predict changes in weather, climate, oceans, and coast. OOI data are contributors to this repository of marine observations. For more information about NDBC, visit this page.
- NERACOOSNERACOOSThe Northeast Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (NERACOOS) has a Mariners’ Dashboard where mariners, scientists, and other visitors can use to explore the latest conditions and forecasts. Data from the Pioneer Inshore (44075), Central (44076), and Offshore (44077) mooring platforms are accessible through the Mariners’ Dashboard. For more information about NERACOOS, visit this page.
- NOAA's Ocean Station PapaThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Ocean Station Papa Surface Mooring is co-located with OOI’s Global Station Papa Apex Profiler Mooring. For more information about NOAA’s Surface Mooring, visit this page.
- OceanSITESOceanSITESOceanSITES: Global Data Assembly Center is an international system of long-term, open-ocean reference stations measuring dozens of variables and monitoring the full depth of the ocean from air-sea interactions down to the seafloor. OOI data contribute to this system. For more information about OceanSITES, visit this page.
- The Observatory
- About OOI
- Arrays
- Global Irminger Sea Array
- Global Station Papa Array
- Coastal Endurance Array
- Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Array
- Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf Array
- Regional Cabled Array
- Cabled Continental Margin Array
- Cabled Axial Seamount Array
- Cabled Endurance Array
- Global Argentine Basin
- Global Southern Ocean Array
- Expeditions
- Infrastructure
- Instruments
- Platforms, Sites, and Nodes
- Science
- Participate in OOI
- Community Engagement
- OOI Data
- Resources