2022 COBRA Early Career Fellowship and Deep-Sea Expedition Planning Master Class

The Crustal Ocean Biosphere Research Accelerator (COBRA) is pleased to announce a paid training opportunity in the Spring of 2022 that is open to international early career participants. Participants in the COBRA Early Career Deep-Sea Expedition “Master Class” will receive training in deep-sea expedition planning from start to finish. This course will equip participants with the skills and tools to successfully design, propose, and execute deep-sea oceanographic field research, with a collaborative, just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive approach. Example topics to be covered in the Master Class include: Assets for conducting deep-sea research and exploration; Funding and proposal writing tips; Developing concepts through respectful and reciprocal engagement with others; Cruise preparation how-to; At-sea operations overview; Telepresence-enabled exploration and research; Permits and Reports; Data Management.

The COBRA Fellowship program is intended to help to create a larger, more diverse pool of talent engaged in leading deep-sea research that addresses societal needs. COBRA has a goal of having a balanced representation of US-based and international participants across the early career spectrum that bring diverse experiences and perspectives to the class. Previous experience with deep-sea research or policy is not required. COBRA defines “early career” as senior graduate students, postdoctoral scientists, junior faculty less than 10 years from their terminal degree, and other junior professionals, such as an early career employee of a government, NGO, or industry. Fellows are eligible to receive a $2,000 USD stipend to support their participation in the fellowship and virtual Master Class, which is offered free of charge.

The application period is open through January 15. More details and the online application form can be found here. Questions are welcome via email to cobra@bigelow.org.

COBRA is an international research coordination network funded by the US National Science Foundation. COBRA’s mission is to accelerate research on the structure, function, resilience, and ecosystem services of the crustal ocean biosphere to generate new knowledge and inform decision-making, particularly related to deep-sea mining and subseafloor carbon sequestration. If you’d like to learn more, COBRA Directors will be providing an overview on Friday January 7 12:30PM EST (GMT-5) as part of the C-DEBI monthly seminar series. These seminars are open to anyone to participate by registering here.

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Student and Early Career Travel Funds Available: Apply Now!

Do you need travel funds to attend and present your OOI research at a conference? 

The Larry P. Atkinson Travel Fellowship helps early career scientists and graduate students who are actively involved in research and/or education programs using Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data.  The Fellowship provides funding support for the recipient to participate in and present a paper or poster on research or education using OOI data at a national or international conference or workshop. Participation in conferences that promote diversity and inclusiveness are encouraged.

If you need funding to offset conference expenses (registration fees, travel costs, accommodations, etc.), we encourage you to apply.  Conference participation can be in-person or virtual.  With the Fall AGU and Ocean Science Meetings approaching, we wanted to remind you of this opportunity.
Information on eligibility requirements, and how to apply, are available here.

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