OOIFB Town Hall at Ocean Sciences Meeting: Feb 20

~ Announcement ~

OOI Facilities Board Town Hall at the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting

February 20, 2024, 12:45 – 1:45pm Central Time 

**Please note: the time listed on the online program may say 13:45-14:45, however, if you hover over the time, the actual, local CST schedule appears**

The Ocean Observatories Initiative Facilities Board (OOIFB) will host a Town Hall at the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, from 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm Central Time. The community will have the opportunity to hear the latest information about the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) facility, including an update on the relocation of the Pioneer Array; learn about NSF updates; and meet the OOIFB members. The second half of the Town Hall will consist of an interactive, panel discussion- Enhancing your Science with OOI Data: A Community Discussion about Maximizing OOI Data Use. The goal of this community-focused conversation is to discuss how current OOI data access and usage can be refined and/or expanded to better meet research and education goals.

Do you have initial questions and/or input about OOI data? Please provide it here, and your comments/questions will help shape the interactive panel discussion.

The OOIFB Town Hall is aimed at researchers and other stakeholders who are now using or are considering using OOI data, researchers interested in adding instrumentation to the OOI infrastructure, and educators at all levels interested in the OOI. For the Town Hall agenda, once available, and additional details, please visit here.

Travel support for early career scientists and graduate students who are actively involved in research and/or education programs using Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data, and are presenting a poster or oral presentation at OSM 2024 (or other upcoming events), may be available through the Larry P. Atkinson Travel Fellowship. For more information, a link to apply, and/or information as to how you can donate to support this fellowship fund, please visit the OOIFB website and/or contact Holly Morin (holly@ooifb.org).
Please share this event within your networks. We hope to see you at the OOIFB Town Hall in February!
  • Event: Ocean Observatories Initiative Facility Board (OOIFB) Town Hall (TH23L)
  • When: Tuesday, 20 February 2024: 12:45 – 13:45 CST (*please note: the time listed on the online program may say 13:45-14:45, however, if you hover over the time, the actual, local CST schedule appears)
  • Where:  Room: 220-222, Second Floor, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Convention Center, New x
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OOI Data Labs Workshop at OSM24

On Wednesday, February 21st, the Ocean Data Labs will host a “mini” workshop for professors interested in learning about the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) and how they can utilize OOI data to support the teaching of oceanographic concepts and data literacy to undergraduate students.

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Abstracts Welcome for OSM Session on California Current and NE Pacific Ocean

Abstracts are being sought for a session on data and modeling of the California Current System and the Northeast Pacific Ocean during the 2024 Ocean Science Meeting in February in New Orleans. Edward P. Dever, Oregon State University, Richard K. Dewey, Ocean Networks Canada, and Kashish Sadhwani, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay organized the session to maximize use of modeling efforts in the region and to foster further collaboration among researchers.

“The Northeast Pacific Ocean offers researchers opportunities to study many regionally important processes that impact productivity, seasonal hypoxia, and ocean acidification,” said Edward P. Dever, of Oregon State University, who is chair of the session. “We hope to bring researchers together to share their insights about this important region and to help facilitate collaboration among those working in different areas of the Northeast Pacific.”

The deadline for abstract submission is September 13, 2023. Submit here. A description of the session follows:

OT019 – Sustained Data and Models in Support of Research in the California Current System and Northeast Pacific Ocean

The Northeast Pacific Ocean as defined by the California Current System, Salish Sea, and Gulf of Alaska, has long been a focus of sustained observing and modeling efforts. Regionally important physical processes include coastal upwelling, river plumes, and responses to interannual variability (e.g., ENSO, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, marine heatwaves, and other events). These processes impact primary productivity, phyto- and zooplankton community structures, seasonal hypoxia, and ocean acidification. In this session, we seek to share insights and facilitate collaboration between observations and models and among researchers working in different areas of the Northeast Pacific. We invite contributions in any of the following broad topics:

  • syntheses of sustained data sets for model initialization
  • forcing and validation
  • best practices for inter comparison and networking across observations
  • modeled and observed interactions between different sub-regions
  • estimation of rate processes
  • advances in bio-acoustic, biogeochemical, and bio-optical measurements, and
  • predictions of physical and ecosystem responses across relevant temporal and spatial scales.


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