Survey to Help First-Timers at Sea

Meg Yoder, a 4th year PhD student at Boston College is writing a general guide to going to sea for first-time, sea-going scientists, particularly those not housed at oceanographic institutions working for the broader impacts chapter of for her dissertation.  She is collecting information from both early career researchers and experienced researchers using a survey here.

Meg was inspired to write this guide based on her experience going to sea for the first time two summers ago. She could find little information online about what the actual sea-going experience would be like, and what found was often outdated or very specific to certain vessels or cruises.

Please take a few minutes to complete the short survey.  Your input is important so Meg can understand what other early career researchers are interested in hearing about prior to going to sea.

[media-caption path="" link="#"]Meg Yoder (foreground) shows two Boston College undergraduates the back deck of the R/V Neil Armstrong prior to their departure for the Irminger 11 expedition. Credit: D Trew Crist © WHOI. [/media-caption] Read More

OOI Data System User Survey: Opportunity to Provide Feedback

The OOIFB Data Systems Committee needs your help in evaluating new Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data systems. In 2019 the OOI Facility Board’s Data Systems Committee (DSC) conducted a survey to learn how the OOI could better serve data to users. In response to the feedback received, the OOI program developed the Data Explorer, a refined and more capable interface for finding and accessing data. Now, the DSC is interested to hear your thoughts on this new data system, as well as the other available systems, and to uncover potential ways of improving data access for users.

The DSC would greatly appreciate your participation in this survey, which will be used to improve the current data systems and help the committee form recommendations going forward. The survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary and your responses are anonymous. The survey will be open to all until January 28th. Click here for the OOI Data survey.

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