Visions’22: Changing Students Lives

From Deb Kelley, UW, in OOI Quarterly Report, 2022.

This year, 25 undergraduate students and three graduate students participated on the Regional Cabled Array Operations and Maintenance cruise as part of the VISIONS’22 at-sea experiential learning program. They include students from the US, India, Saudi Arabia, France, and Kazakhstan. They represent a breadth of disciplines spanning Oceanography (11), Engineering (9: Mechanical, Industrial, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Aeronautics and Astronautics), Biology (6: Biology, Marine Biology, and Microbiology), Geology (1), and Policy Studies focused on ocean equity and the United Nations Convention (1). They stood 4 hour-on, 8 hour-off watches in the remotely controlled vehicle, ROPOS control center, learned how to conduct CTD casts and collect and process fluid samples, and worked on deck. Three additional undergraduate student ambassadors, who have participated in past VISIONS’ expeditions (1-3 years), helped mentor the students. All completed cruise blogs on the Interactiveoceans VISIONS’22 Expedition site, and science-engineering and/or engagement projects that will last a quarter to several years. Two students chose projects involving advanced genetic analyses of vent animals and protists for their Senior Thesis in Oceanography. Based on discussions with past students and what they relayed in their blogs, for many this is a life changing experience. Note: two past VISIONS students are now APL engineers as part of the RCA team.


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