Live Lightning Talks

Join this group of scientists as they share what they are learning from OOI data in short five-minute presentations.

Wednesday 9 December 2020, 6-7 pm Eastern. To listen in, sign on here.


Shima Abadi
University of Washington
Characterization of ocean rain and wind noise using the OOI broadband hydrophones and surface buoys at the Coastal Endurance Oregon Shelf and Offshore location

Bill Davis
Ideas for growing consumption and use of OOI data

Rachel Eveleth
Oberlin College
OOI data as an accessible data source for undergraduate research in coastal marine carbon cycling

Erik Fredrickson
University of Washington
Exploring short term deflation events at Axial Seamount with cabled pressure and tilt sensors

Natalie Freeman
University of Colorado Boulder
Using observations from the Global Southern Ocean array to assess the fitness of a 1-D model to evaluate the response of the upper ocean to high-frequency wind variability

Matthew Lobo
Portland State University
Deriving higher-resolution, empirical representations of the vertical structure/normal modes of horizontal kinetic energy using wire-following profiler technology

Aaron Mau
University of South Carolina
In the classroom: A firsthand approach to learning with OOI data

Chris Russoniello
West Virginia University
OOI Early Career Scientist Working Group demonstrates the capability of interdisciplinary, remote collaboration

William Wilcock
University of Washington
Steps towards installing a resident autonomous underwater vehicle at Axial Seamount.

William Wilcock
University of Washington
Alternative senior thesis plans when the traditional senior cruise on the R/V Thomas G. Thompson was not feasible

Guangyu Xu
University of Washington
Monitoring Hydrothermal Plumes at ASHES Vent Field, Axial Seamount through Quantitative Acoustic Imaging


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OOIFB Town Hall

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

10:00-11:00 am Eastern
Ocean Observatories Initiative Facility Board Town Hall

The Ocean Observatories Initiative Facilities Board (OOIFB) is hosting a Town Hall during the virtual 2020 Fall AGU meeting. The community will have the opportunity to hear the latest information about the OOI facility, meet the OOIFB members, and learn about research using OOI data. The new OOI Data Explorer tool will be demonstrated, the exciting activities of OOI education programs will be featured, and early career scientist activities will be highlighted.

The Town Hall will include a series of lightning presentations where scientists are invited to present one slide in one minute explaining how s/he has used (or plans to use) freely available observatory data in their respective research.

We hope you will attend!


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OOI Booth Schedule

The Ocean Observatories Initiative has a full plate of activities at its virtual AGU booth during AGU’s exhibit hall hours. Registration is required for the 11 am-noon time slots, indicated below.  Please join us for all other activities, by simply clicking here:

Monday 7 December

  • 11 am-noon Eastern: Learn how to use the new Date Explorer: Register here.

Brian Stone of Axiom Data Science will demonstrate the many features of the OOI’s new data discovery tool, Data Explorer.

  • 1-1:30 pm Eastern: Ask an expert about specific data questions  

OOI Data Team members Chris Wingard with the Coastal Endurance Array and Wendi Ruef with the Regional Cabled Array will be available to answer any and all questions.

  • 6-7 pm Eastern: Curious about how OOI collects and delivers data?

Join Derek Buffitt, program manager for the Coastal and Global Scale Nodes (CGSN), for a virtual lab tour of the CGSN Facility at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Tuesday 8 December

  • 11 am-noon Eastern: Announcement forthcoming
  • 1-1:30 pm Eastern: Ask an expert about using OOI data in the classroom                                    .

Sage Lichtenwaler from the OOI Ocean Data Labs has helped hundreds of professors seamlessly integrate OOI into undergraduate classrooms. He will be on hand to answer your question on how to use OOI data in your course instruction.

  • 6-7 pm Eastern: Curious about how OOI collects and delivers data?

Join Jonathan Fram, program manager for the Coastal Endurance Array (EA), for a virtual lab tour of the EA Facility at Oregon State University.

Wednesday 9 December

  • 11 am-noon Eastern: Hear from scientists who are using OOI data to advance their research: Register here.

Kendra Daly, chair of the Ocean Observatories Initiative Facilities Board, will provide a quick look at what’s new in the OOI’s latest science plan.

Glen Gawarkiewicz, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, will share what is now known about the shelf break exchange process.

Andrew Leising, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, will review what we have learned about marine heatwaves.

Douglas S. Luther, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, will discuss internal tide impacts of ocean circulation.

Wu-Jung Lee, University of Washington, will review how echosounder data are accelerating marine ecological research. (To be confirmed).

  • 1-1:30 pm Eastern: Ask an expert about opportunities to participate in OOI 

OOI Principal Investigator John Trowbridge and Co-Principal Investigator and lead of OOI’s Regional Cabled Array Deborah Kelley will be on hand to answer any and all questions about how to get involved in the OOI.

  • 6-7 pm Eastern: Live Lightning Talks

Eleven presenters will share the latest research investigations using OOI data, as well as examples of how OOI data are being integrated into classroom instruction.

Thursday 10 December

  • 11 am-noon Eastern: Participate in a data challenge: Register here.  

Two members of OOI’s data team, Mike Vardaro, RCA and University of Washington, and Andrew Reed, CGSN and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, will lead participants through a series of three data challenges to demonstrate the capabilities of the Data Explorer.

  • 1-1:30 pm Eastern: Ask an expert about opportunities OOI’s mobile assets

Coastal and Global Scale Node Team members Al Plueddemann or Peter Brickley and Coastal Endurance Lead Edward Dever will answer questions about OOI’s mobile assets, everything from why we use them to what we are learning from them.

  •  6-7 pm Eastern: Curious about how OOI collects and delivers data?

Join Brian Ittig or Dana Manalang of the Regional Cabled Array Team (RCA) for a virtual lab tour of the RCA Facility at the University of Washington.

Friday 11 December

  • 11 am-noon Eastern: Learn how to create data views using the new Date Explorer: Register here. 

OOI Data Team and Coastal Endurance team member Craig Risien will guide us through the steps of creating a data view using Coastal Endurance array data to demonstrate this feature of OOI’s new data discovery tool, Data Explorer.

  • 1-1:30 pm Eastern: Ask an expert about what scientists are learning using OOI data

Join William Wilcock, University of Washington, and Hilary Palvesky, Boston College, to hear what they have learned using OOI data and how you might do the same.

  • 6-7 pm Eastern: Early Career Scientists’ Happy Hour

Close down the OOI virtual booth by joining your friends and colleagues at a virtual hour. This is an opportunity to network, reconnect with friends and colleagues, and raise a glass together.

All activities other than the 11 am time slots can be accessed here. Look forward to seeing you soon!


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Ocean Observatories Initiative Project Dedicated to Delivering Data

The mandate of the OOI is to provide data to the scientific community, Tim Cowles, Vice President & Director of Ocean Observing at the Consortium for Ocean Leadership, stressed while providing an OOI update to members of the community attending the AGU meeting.

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