Ready-to-use Educational Datasets Available

A new website of curated OOI datasets, called Data Nuggets, has launched.  It contains valuable resources ready for integration into educational activities. The nuggets explore various concepts common in upper-level high school and introductory college courses and are designed and packaged to be readily accessible to educators to integrate into their existing curricula.  Datasets were selected based on their quality and alignment with a broader OOI Science Theme.

The nuggets were created as part of the National Science Foundation-funded OOI Synthesis & Education project, Ocean Data Lab,  conducted by Rutgers University and led by the Consortium for Ocean Leadership.

For now, four data nuggets are available:

  • 2015 Axial Seamount Eruption
  • Seasonal Phytoplankton Blooms at High Latitudes
  • Flux of CO2 Between Ocean and Atmosphere
  • Seasonal Mixing of the Irminger Sea Water Column

The material provided in each nugget ranges from a description of scientific relevance to high resolution graphs to how use Python to pull and use OOI data in the classroom.  The nuggets are designed to support educators as they design their own activities using OOI data.

More nuggets will be continually added so check the website often.




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