Posts Tagged ‘OOI at AGU’
Ocean Observatories Initiative at the 2024 AGU Conference
The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) participated in the 2024 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. This premier event served as a global platform for thousands of scientists and researchers to share breakthroughs and foster collaborations in Earth and space sciences. OOI took part in presentations, interactive discussions, and participation in the Ocean Observatories Initiative Facilities Board (OOIFB) Town Hall.
OOIFB Town Hall
A key event at AGU was the OOIFB Town Hall held on December 10th. This in-person session provided an opportunity for the community to engage directly with OOI representatives, NSF and NOAA program leaders, and the OOIFB. The event featured:
- Updates from OOI’s Principal Investigator (PI), Jim Edson who shared the latest developments from the Program Management Office (PMO) and the Marine Implementing Organizations (MIOs).
- Interactive Panel Discussion: A panel of experts, including representatives from OOI’s Endurance Array, Mid-Atlantic Bight Array (MAB), Regional Cabled Array (RCA), and PMO discussed opportunities and challenges for observatory-based research.
Participants heard from PI’s about the proposal process and discussed opportunities for adding new instruments to the infrastructure. The session emphasized the importance of community input and encouraged feedback to inform OOI’s future directions.
The panel members included:
- Jim Edson (OOI/WHOI)
- Al Plueddemann (OOI/WHOI)
- Ed Dever (OOI/OSU)
- Mike Vardaro (OOI/UW)
- George Voulgaris (NSF)
- Kaity Goldsmith (NOAA)
Researchers, educators, and scientists using or considering OOI data were encouraged to share their insights, helping to shape future OOI research and initiatives. Examples involved the use of existing OOI data and the addition of new sensors by external PIs for specific research projects. Other opportunities to use OOI infrastructure was discussed including the use of available space on our Operations and Maintenance cruise. Making better use of individual observing systems by combining measurement capabilies (e.g., between NSF/OOI and NOAA) was discussed as an action item.
Engaging at the OOI Booth
The OOI exhibit booth was a hub of activity throughout the conference. Attendees explored live demonstrations of OOI’s data tools, learned about recent updates to infrastructure, and connected with OOI representatives to discuss potential collaborations. The booth provided an accessible entry point for researchers new to OOI data and offered experienced users an opportunity to delve deeper into its capabilities.
Looking Ahead
Through discussions, booth interactions, and participation in the OOIFB Town Hall, OOI demonstrated its commitment to innovation and collaboration. Looking forward, OOI remains dedicated to fostering an engaged community of researchers. The feedback and ideas gathered during AGU will help shape OOI’s next steps, ensuring its data and infrastructure continue to meet the needs of the scientific community.
For more information on OOI’s resources, presentations, and opportunities for collaboration, visit our website or follow us on social media.
[caption id="attachment_35482" align="alignnone" width="640"] OOI at AGU[/caption] [caption id="attachment_35483" align="alignnone" width="640"] Jim Edson, OOI’s Principal Investigator[/caption] [caption id="attachment_35484" align="alignnone" width="640"] Jim Edson, OOI’s Principal Investigator[/caption] Read MoreOOI at AGU 2022
[media-caption path="/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/agufront2-scaled-e1603490292321.jpeg" link="#"]OOI will be very much present in person at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022. Come visit us at the OOI booth #1321 in the exhibit hall and mark your calendar for the sessions below. [/media-caption]
This year, OOI will be in person at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022 in Chicago from December 12-16. We will have a booth (#1321) in the exhibit hall and will be in person to present sessions and posters. The following is a compilation of OOI-related presentations at this year’s fall meeting. If we’ve missed any OOI-related sessions, please contact and we will be happy to add them. Hope to see you in person this year! Share your AGU news at #AGU22.
Monday, 12 December 2022
08:00 – 09:00 CST(09:00 – 10:00 EST) Online Only
V11B-02 Detecting the syn- and after-eruption process of the Axial Seamount with ambient noise interferometry
Chao J Lee, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China and Youyi Ruan, Brown University, Providence, United States
09:00 – 12:30 CST (10:00 – 13:30 EST) McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall – A
V12B-0045 Developing a Catalog of Automated Focal Mechanisms for Microearthquakes at Axial Seamount Based on Waveform Correlation
Maochuan Zhang1, William S D Wilcock1, Felix Waldhauser2, Kaiwen Wang2, David Paul Schaff2, Maya Tolstoy1 , and Yen Joe Tan3, (1)University of Washington, School of Oceanography, Seattle, WA, United States, (2)Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY, United States, (3)Chinese University of Hong Kong, Earth system science, Hong Kong, China
09:16-09:23 CST (10:16-10:23 EST) McCormick Place – N426c
ED12A-03 Accessible Oceans: Exploring Ocean Data Through Sound
Amy S Bower, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, Jon Bellona, University of Oregon, School of Music and Dance, Eugene, OR, United States, Jessica Roberts, Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Computing, Atlanta, GA, United States, and Leslie Smith, Your Ocean Consulting, Knoxville, TN, United States
09:43-09:53 CST (10:43-10:53 EST) McCormick Place – S103cd
S12C-05 Listening to Fin Whales with Distributed Acoustic Sensing: A Study in Opportunistic Acoustics
Agatha Podrasky, David Podrasky, Megan Everingham, Noah Clayton, and Thomas Coleman, Silixa LLC, Missoula, MS, United States
15:00-18:00 CST Exhibit Hall – Visit OOI’s Booth #1321
18:30-19:30 CST (19:30-20:30 EST) McCormick Place – S106a Note: Attendance at this event can be either in person or virtual.
TH15B Ocean Observatories Initiative Facility Board (OOIFB) Town Hall
Annette M DeSilva, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett, RI, United States and Kendra L Daly, University of South Florida, College of Marine Science, St. Petersburg, FL, United States
Tuesday, 13 December 2022
08:00 – 09:00 CST (09:00 – 10:00 EST) Online Only
OS21B-09 Centimeter-Scale Mapping of Four Hydrothermal Vent Sites at Axial Seamount: Low-Altitude Surveys Combining Multibeam Sonar, Lidar, and Color Stereo Photography
Jennifer Brophy Paduan1, David W Caress1, Eric J Martin1, Michael Risi1, Chad D Kecy1, Giancarlo Troni2 , and David A Clague1, (1)Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, CA, United States, (2)Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Watsonville, CA, United States
10:00-18:00 CST Exhibit Hall – Visit OOI’s Booth #1321
14:45 – 18:15 CST (15:45 – 19:15 EST) McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall – A
OS25E Process Studies, Educational Activities, and Technological Advancements Using Data and Infrastructure from the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI)
James B Edson1, Edward Paul Dever2, Deborah S Kelley3, Albert J Plueddemann1 and Anthony Koppers2, (1)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States(2)Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Corvallis, OR, United States(3)University of Washington Seattle Campus, School of Oceanography, Seattle, WA, United States
OS25E-0961 Overview of ambient noise research and outreach with OOI hydrophones
John Ragland, University of Washington Seattle, Seattle, WA, United States, Felix Schwock, University of Washington Seattle Campus, Electrical Engineering, Seattle, WA, United States, Zhaoyu Liu, University of Washington Seattle Campus, Human Centered Design and Engineering, Seattle, WA, United States, and Shima Abadi, University of Washington, School of Oceanography, Seattle, WA, United States
OS25E-0962 Multiyear ocean sound levels at the Northeast Pacific OOI Sites and Beaufort-Sea Arctic recorded using calibrated moored hydrophones
Robert P Dziak1, Samara Haver2, Haru Matsumoto3, Lauren Roche3, Jason Gedamke4, Meghan F Cronin1, Phyllis J Stabeno1 , and William W. Chadwick Jr5, (1)NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA, United States, (2)NOAA/OSU Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies, Newport, OR, United States, (3)Oregon State University, CIMRS, Newport, OR, United States, (4)NOAA Fisheries, Office of Science and Technology, Silver Spring, MD, United States, (5)CIMERS, Newport, OR United States
OS25E-0963 Neural Implicit Compact Representation to Compress Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data
Yiyu Ni1, Shaowu Pan2, Nathan Kutz2, Bradley Paul Lipovsky1 , and Marine Denolle1, (1)University of Washington, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Seattle, WA, United States, (2)University of Washington, Department of Applied Mathematics, Seattle, WA, United States
OS25E-0964 Multi-Year Study on the Impacts of Assimilating OOI Glider Data on Cross-Shelf Vertical Structure in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Caitlin Amos, US Naval Research Laboratory Post-Doctoral Scholar, Washington, DC, United States, John J Osborne, US Naval Research Laboratory, Ocean Dynamics and Prediction, Stennis Space Center, MS, United States, and Gregg Arthur Jacobs, US Naval Research Laboratory, Ocean Sciences Division, Stennis Space Center, MS, United States
OS25E-0965 Columbia River Plume Variability in Summer 2022
Edward Paul Dever1, Craig M Risien1, Christopher E Wingard1, Jonathan P Fram1, Parker MacCready2, Piero F Mazzini3, Stuart Pearce1, and Jonathan Whitefield1, (1)Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Corvallis, OR, United States, (2)University of Washington, Olympia, WA, United States, (3)Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA, United States
OS25E-0966 Analysis of AC-S (Spectrophotometer) Proxies for Ecosystem Variables using the OOI Endurance Array off the Coasts of Oregon and Washington
Nicholas Romero, California State University Monterey Bay, Marine Science, Seaside, CA, United States, Christopher E Wingard and Edward Paul Dever, Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Corvallis, OR, United States
OS25E-0967 Seasonal to interannual variability of salinity on the Northeast U.S. continental shelf
Svenja Ryan, Caroline Ummenhofer, and Glen Gawarkiewicz, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States
OS25E-0968 Relocation of the OOI Pioneer Array
Albert J Plueddemann, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States and Derek Buffitt, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole, MA, United States
OS25E-0969 Improvements to the COARE Bulk Flux Algorithm using OOI Surface Flux Data
James B Edson1, Douglas C Vandemark2, Hyodae Seo1, Marc Emond2, Cesar Sauvage1 , and Carol Anne Clayson1, (1)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, (2)University of New Hampshire Main Campus, Durham, NH, United States
OS25E-0970 The Application and Quantification of Systems Engineering Techniques as Applied to the Ocean Observatories Initiative
Matthew Palanza and Paul Matthias, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole, MA, United States
Wednesday, 14 December 2022
10:00-18:00 CST Exhibit Hall – Visit OOI’s Booth #1321
16:15-16:45 CST Exhibit Hall – OOI’s Booth #1321
Q & A about the Relocation of the Coastal Pioneer Array to the Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight. OOI Coastal and Global Scale Nodes Principal Investigator Al Plueddemann will be on hand to answer your questions about plans and progress on the relocation of the Pioneer Array.
Thursday, 15 December 2022
10:00-18:00 CST Exhibit Hall – Visit OOI’s Booth #1321
Friday, 16 December 2022
09:00 – 12:30 CST (10:00 – 13:30 EST) McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall – A
S52C-0077 Unraveling the Distribution of Microseism Sources with Submarine Distributed Acoustic Sensing
Jiaqi Fang1, Ethan Williams2, Yan Yang2, Ettore Biondi2 , and Zhongwen Zhan2, (1)California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, United States, (2)California Institute of Technology, Seismological Laboratory, Pasadena, CA United States