Posts Tagged ‘OOI Booth’
OOI’S AGU Virtual Booth Schedule
OOI is hosting a virtual booth at AGU this year. All events are free and open to those wanting to attend, including those not attending AGU. Register for each event by clicking on the link in the event’s title. We hope to see you virtually at AGU this year! For those attending in person, do check out these OOI-related presentations.
OOI’s Virtual Booth Schedule |
Monday 13-Dec | 3-4 pm CT/4-5 pm ET | MOVING THE PIONEER ARRAY TO THE SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC BIGHT | Status of plans, permitting, and projected timeline for relocating the Pioneer Array | Lisa Clough (NSF) Moderator, Al Plueddemann (WHOI), Derek Buffitt (WHOI) |
Tuesday 14-Dec | 1-2 pm CT/2-3 pm ET | INTRODUCING OOI’S NEW DATA CENTER: CREATIVE WAYS TO USE DATA | How cutting edge techniques to analyze and visualize data are being integrated into research and education | Anthony Koppers (OSU) Moderator, OOI’s New Data Center, Don Setiawan (UW) Interactive Oceans, Wu-Jung Lee (UW) EchoPype, Chris Wingard (OSU) Jupyter Notebooks |
Tuesday 14-Dec | 3-4 pm CT/4-5 pm ET | OOI AND OSNAP IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC | What we are learning about the changing nature of the North Atlantic | Al Plueddemann (WHOI) Moderator, Nora Fried (NIOZ), Nick Foukal (WHOI), Yao Fu (Georgia Tech), Isabela Le Bras (WHOI) |
Wednesday 15-Dec | 1-3 pm CT/2-4 pm ET | OOIFB’s DATA SYSTEMS COMMITTEE: USING OOI DATA IN THE CLOUD WITH PANGEO | Be prepared to do science in real time during this hands-on interactive session in the cloud. Participants will need a GitHub account to fully participate. If you don’t have one, it’s a simple process. Once you have a GitHub account, you can experience using real data to resolve a real science question during this workshop. | Tim Crone (LDEO) |
Wednesday 15-Dec | 3-4 pm CT/4-5 pm ET | WHAT’S NEW IN THE UNDERSEA WORLD OF EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES? | Lead authors of high-impact papers present their findings on Axial Seamount using OOI and other data (i.e. 3D seismics) for an integrated view into this highly active volcano, what their next steps are, how OOI data will play a role, and ideally what tools they would like to have answer their questions. | Deb Kelley (UW) Moderator, Suzanne Carbotte (LDEO), William Chadwick (OSU), William Wilcock (UW) |
Thursday 16-Dec | 3-4 pm CT/4-5 pm ET | OOIFB LIGHTNING TALKS REDUX | For those who miss the lightning talk presentations during OOIFB’s Town Hall, this is another opportunity to see, hear, and question Lightning Talk presenters | Ed Dever (OSU) Moderator, Lightning talk presenters |
Friday 17-Dec | 11 am-noon CT/noon-1 pm ET | WHAT’S NEW WITH DATA EXPLORER? | A demonstration of how Data Explorer 1.2 can be used to address science questions using different data types | Jeff Glatstein (WHOI) Moderator, Stacey Buckelew (Axiom), Wendi Ruef, Mike Vardaro (UW), Andrew Reed (WHOI) |