Funding Opportunity for OOI Education, Workshops, Training Proposals

To encourage wider use of OOI data by researchers and educators, the Ocean Sciences Division (OCE) of the National Science Foundation is seeking proposals for projects that use OOI data. Funding is available to support workshops, conferences or other training events that introduce researchers and educators to the type of data available through OOI and community tools that have been developed to use that data.

A Dear Colleague Letter (NSF20-047) issued in early 2020 remains in effect.

“We are seeking to support efforts that teach researchers or educators how to use OOI data and tools, that develop additional tools or instructional materials using OOI data or that serve to create communities of practice to use OOI data for multi-investigator, community-driven research, “ said Elizabeth Rom, an OCE Program Director who oversees a number of NSF educational initiatives.

At a recent town hall of the Ocean Observatories Initiative Facility Board at the AGU Fall Meeting, Rom presented a progress report on proposals funded since May 2020.  These include:

  • Two Ocean Hack weeks held at the University of Washington and Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. In 2020, the workshop was virtual, in 2021 the workshop was a hybrid.
  • OOI Biogeochemical Data Workshop, which consisted of an online meeting in July 2021 and plans for an in-person meeting for June 2022 at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
  • K12 OOI Workshop Series that involves the South Kitsap School District in Washington state and Deb Kelley at the University of Washington. The goals of the workshop series are to develop teacher cohort and lesson plans using OOI data in classrooms. The series launched in early December with virtual and in-person sessions planned throughout 2022.

She also reported on progress in course development, including support of a second cohort of faculty to develop version 2 of the Ocean Data Lab’s online manual, microbial monitoring using OOI RCA remote samplers at Axial Seamount, and development of instructional materials and piloting assessment instruments to explore undergraduate scientific literacy. NSF programs GeoPaths (Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar and Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences) and Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) sites also provided opportunities for using OOI data.  An initiative to broaden the scope and increase the efficacy of the SERC Discovery System was supported, as were multiple REU student projects in 2020 and 2021.

“While COVID served to discourage in-person meetings and workshops, we were pleased that so many innovative approaches were proposed,” added Rom.  “Hopefully in 2022, we will have opportunities to for virtual, hybrid and in-person workshops, and certainly the innovation of this community will shine through.”

Two- and four-year U.S. institutions of higher education and U.S. non-profit non-academic organizations are eligible to submit proposals. Proposals may be submitted at any time, but Principal Investigators are encouraged to submit at least six months prior to the planned event. Submission details are available here. While the DCL refers to Fiscal Year 2020, it continues to be in effect until canceled.

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Graduate Student Cruise Opportunities

Opportunities abound for graduate students to have hands-on experience aboard the OOI deployment expeditions in 2020. The first opportunity is during the spring Endurance Array deployment aboard the R/V Sikuliaq. as part of the UNOLS Cruise Opportunity Program. The Endurance cruise will run from 31 March-15 April 2020, departing from and returning to Newport, Oregon. Applications to UNOLS are due by 28 February 2020.

Students currently completing (or who have recently completed) a degree in a field of oceanographic research are eligible to apply. Those selected will learn about the functional aspects of seagoing work, while helping to deploy and recover oceanographic moorings, profilers, and gliders off the Washington and Oregon coast. Students also will assist in CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) casts and acquisition of data while underway. Other specific assignments can be developed based on students’ expertise and interests.

To learn more and to apply for the Spring 2020 Endurance Array cruise, visit UNOL’s Cruise Opportunity Program. Other OOI array deployment cruises are being planned for the fall, so stayed tuned for more exciting opportunities later this year.

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Using Big Data in Teaching Undergraduates Using the OOI

Rutgers hosted two Teaching with Data Workshops (New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 19-21, 2017 (chemistry focused), and June 2-4, 2017 (geology focused) in an effort to bring together undergraduate professors, from both community colleges and universities, from ten states to learn the software and explore classroom activities that use OOI data.

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Workshops for Undergraduate Professors – Bringing the OOI into the Classroom

Utilizing high volumes of data for research and education increases both opportunities and challenges to analyzing and synthesizing these data into scientific understanding. We are pleased to offer two workshops that explore the unprecedented opportunities to engage undergraduate learners in authentic data experiences using real-world data sets, models, and simulations from the OOI.

Chemistry and OOI Data Workshop – May 19-21, 2017
This workshop will focus on OOI data sets that explore salinity, pH, and PCO2 .

Geology and OOI Data Workshop – June 2-4, 2017
This workshop will look at the resources (video and data assets) from the Axial Seamount.

Both Workshops will take place at the University Inn and Conference Center at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.

Undergraduate Professors teaching introductory level Oceanography courses are invited to participate. These workshops are for professors interested in assisting the OOI in developing teaching applications using OOI data. Our objective is to use online OOI data to teach oceanographic concepts as well as data orientation, interpretation, and synthesis skills.

Travel, meals, hotel accomodations, and a small stipend will be provided for those participating in the workshop. Approximately 10 professors will be selected for each workshop.

Interested Professors should fill out an application:

For more information contact Janice McDonnell, or download the workshop flyer.

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OOI Participates in USA Science & Engineering Festival With Ocean Experiment

Thousands of young aspiring scientists and oceanographers with their families and teachers got a hands-on lesson on how to measure ocean properties from members of the OOI team during the 2014 USA Science & Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C., last month.

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EPE Integrates Users with the OOI at Workshop

The OOI Education and EPE implementing organization lead several sessions to connect with potential OOI users at the “Teaching Oceanography” workshop held in San Francisco, CA last month.

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