Coastal & Global Array Overview Webinar March 3rd

Date: Thursday, March 3rd
Time: 3:30pm Eastern/12:30pm Pacific
The CGSN and EA teams will host a Webinar Thursday, March 3rd at 3:30 pm ET to present an overview of the Coastal Pioneer, uncabled Coastal Endurance and Global Array infrastructure. This is will cover the configuration of the Array, descriptions of the various platforms, and engineering details including power, communications, etc. A brief opportunity to answer questions will also be available. The session is scheduled to last up to 2 hours.

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National Science Foundation Dear Colleague Letter: February 9, 2016

This week, the Ocean Sciences Division of the National Science Foundation (NSF/OCE) released an important update on OOI. As part of a previously planned and anticipated series of events connected with the transition of OOI from construction to operations NSF/OCE will carry out a recompetition to manage and operate the Ocean Observatories Initiative. Details below.

The Ocean Sciences Division of the National Science Foundation (NSF/OCE) will carry out a recompetition to manage and operate the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) through an open, merit-based external peer-review process. The forthcoming solicitation is expected to result in award of a five to ten-year Cooperative Agreement (CA) for the management and operation of the OOI.

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Staff Consultations Next Week: Coastal and Global Arrays

OOI Operations Staff are available to meet with potential investigators who wish to submit proposals to deploy instruments on the OOI.  Investigators can schedule an appointment to meet virtually with OOI Operations Staff to discuss technical requirements, testing, and answer any other questions researchers might have regarding adding instrumentation to the OOI arrays.

For more information, check out the Staff Consultations page.

Pioneer and Endurance Array meetings are scheduled for Feb. 2-3. Global Array meetings are scheduled for Feb. 4-5.  The following times are currently available. (all times are Eastern).

Pioneer and Endurance Array One-on-One Meetings
Times listed in bold are available for the Pioneer and/or Endurance Array. Other times are for the Pioneer Array only.
Tuesday, February 2: 0900, 1000, 1100, 1300, 1400 1500
Wednesday, February 3: 0900, 1000, 1100, 1600

Global Array One-on-One Meetings
Thursday, February 4: 0900, 1000, 1100, 1300, 1400 1500
Friday, February 5: 0900, 1000, 1100, 1300, 1400 1500

Please contact the HelpDesk with your top 2 preferred times to schedule an appointment. We will send you a confirmation.

For more information, check out the Staff Consultations page.

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Successful Turn of the Irminger Sea Array

The 2015 Irminger Sea Array cruise marked the first “turn” (recovery & reinstallation) of the moorings and gliders as well as a first look at the data collected during the first year.

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2015 Cabled Array Cruise, A Success for OOI Infrastructure and Scientific Discovery

[media-caption type="image" path="/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Leslie_Leg1_backdeck_inbound2-web.jpg" alt="The fantail of the R/V Thompson as it enters Newport, Oregon at the end of Leg 1." link="#"]Full to the Brim – The fantail of the R/V Thompson as it enters Newport, Oregon at the end of Leg 1. Most of the equipment is platforms and instruments installed in 2014 and recovered during Leg 1. (Photo Credit: Skip Denny, University of Washington)[/media-caption]

The 2015 Cabled Array cruise marked the completion of installation at the Cabled Array, provided a first look at the April 2015 Axial eruption site, and led to the discovery of a new seep site on the continental slope.

On August 7th, the OOI Cabled Array team, along with 21 students and the remotely operated vehicle ROPOS, completed installation of the OOI Cabled Array, as well as its first maintenance cruise. A total of 118 instruments are now streaming data from the Juan de Fuca plate through 540 miles of fiber-optic cable to shore.

The R/V Thompson set sail on July 4th from the University of Washington on a 3-Leg, 35-day cruise with the objective to 1) deploy Deep Profiler Moorings on the continental slope, at the slope base off of Oregon, and at the base of Axial Volcano and 2) recover and reinstall junction boxes, mooring science pods, and instruments at the 6 cabled study sites comprising the Cabled Array. Over the course of the cruise, 13 platforms and 112 instruments were installed and ROPOS completed 55 dives. (more…)

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OOI Team First to See April 24, 2015 Eruption of Axial Seamount

At 7:33 p.m. PST on July 26th, 2015, after descending ~1840 m beneath the oceans surface, the remotely operated vehicle ROPOS and the University of Washington OOI Cabled Array team set first eyes on the April 24th, 2015 voluminous eruption of Axial Seamount during the VISIONS’ 15 cruise.

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OOI Bottom Pressure Preliminary Data Now Available Online

It is a pleasure to announce the availability today of bottom pressure sensor data (including sensor internal temperature) from the OOI Bottom Pressure and Tilt (BOTPT) Instruments deployed at three locations within the caldera of Axial Seamount.

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