August 21 Eclipse-Related Data from the Endurance Array

On August 21, the path of totality of the “Eclipse Across America” will pass directly over two OOI Coastal Endurance Array Surface Moorings. These moorings will “see” the eclipse minutes before it is seen from the mainland.

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UNOLS hosts Workshop Focused on OOI’s North East Pacific Arrays

The University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) hosted a recent workshop in Portland, OR focused on the current and future science that can be addressed by the extensive OOI infrastructure operational in the Northeast Pacific.

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OOI Endurance Array team sets sail on fall O&M cruise

On Sunday Sept. 18, the R/V Atlantis set sail off the coast of Oregon and Washington for a 17-day Operations and Maintenance cruise of the OOI Coastal Endurance Array. During this cruise, the OOI team led by Oregon State University (OSU) will recover and redeploy six surface moorings as well as the Washington Offshore Profiler Mooring and several uncabled surface piercing profilers.  The team will also recover 1 coastal glider and deploy 5-6 more.

Biannual maintenance cruises are an important element of OOI Coastal Array operation and maintenance as it ensures that infrastructure and instrumentation in the ocean are constantly replaced before they break and are refreshed to minimize the influence of bio-fouling and sensor drift.  The coastal ocean is a harsh environment; equipment are constantly blasted by sand and debris and beaten by waves. Additionally, full, high resolution, data sets are able to be downloaded from the recovered instrumentation, increasing the data available from the telemetered near-real time data sent to shore via satellite.

The OSU-team has been hard at work to prepare the OOI equipment for deployment. A time-lapse video (below) shows a mere 10 days of that effort as they integrate mooring elements and prepare to place these equipment out to sea for six-months.

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OOI data now available from NANOOS

Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS) is now serving OOI data on their NANOOS Visualization System (NVS). Data from the OOI Coastal Endurance OR and WA Line Surface Moorings can now be viewed along side other sources including NANOOS, NSF CMOP, NOAA NDBC, and CDIP.

This effort marks the beginning of the larger effort to integrate OOI data into existing public data repositories to increase user access to these data and further facilitate interdisciplinary research by putting the OOI infrastructure in the context of other data available in the area.

Stay tuned as we continue to reach out to organizations, like IOOS, to cross post our data!

Interested in what else the community is up to with OOI data? Check out the Community Resources page on our website.

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