OOI Status Update: January 15, 2016

The OOI Data Team are working toward a data release schedule for downloading datasets from the OOI data portal and continue to conduct configuration validation of data streams.

OOI data continue to be available for plotting on the OOI Data Portal. Select data streams are available for download from THREDDS and historical cruise data are available for download from the OOI website.

The Cabled Array team will host an Introductory Webinar Tues. Jan. 19, 1pm ET to present an overview of the Cabled Array infrastructure, focusing on engineering details, including power, communications and more. A brief opportunity to answer questions will also be available. The session is scheduled to last up to 2 hours.  Please sign up for the webinar online by Jan. 15th

OOI Operations Staff are also available to meet with potential investigators who wish to submit proposals to deploy instruments on the OOI.  Investigators can schedule an appointment to meet virtually with OOI Operations Staff to discuss technical requirements, testing, and answer any other questions researchers might have regarding adding instrumentation to the OOI arrays. Cabled Array meetings are scheduled for Jan. 20-22. Pioneer and Endurance Array meetings are scheduled for Feb. 2-3. Global Array meetings are scheduled for Feb. 4-5. Click here to view available times.

We would like to introduce the new OOI PI, Rear Admiral (Ret.) Jon White, to the OOI Team.  Jon, who also serves as the President and CEO of the Consortium of Ocean Leadership, will serve as OOI PI on an interim basis with the help of co-PI Sue Banahan.  Ocean Leadership is actively conducting an abbreviated search for a new permanent PI. Jon White has an extensive background working with oceanographic systems and operations throughout his 32-year Navy career, culminating in his role as Oceanographer of the US Navy. Jon has a BS in Oceanography from Florida Institute of Technology, and a Masters in Oceanography and Meteorology from the US Naval Post Graduate School.

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OOI Construction and Data Status Update: December 31, 2015

On Dec. 13, the OOI launched its new website and made all OOI Cruise Data available to the public.  Key resources on the new website include the OOI Data page detailing individual data tools, data products, and quality control information; the Researchers page where scientists can learn more about submitting OOI-related proposals, science workshops, and the observation and sampling approach; and The Observatory page detailing all infrastructure, instruments, and technology used in the OOI.

Updates continue on the Cyberinfrastructure software and graphical user interface (the OOI Data Portal).  Last night the OOI Cyberinfrastructure software underwent a successful upgrade of its asset management system.  These updates were made to correct some of the issues found during the Dec. 4th upgrade, including updates to data description mapping and system stability. With this upgrade in place, the OOI Data Portal will be moved onto the production server today to undergo load testing.  Upon successful testing, the OOI Data Portal will be made available to the public next week.

The OOI Data team continues to evaluate data streams to ensure that the data processing software and conversion algorithms are functioning properly and that delivered data products accurately reflect the telemetered and recovered data collected by the deployed instrumentation.  Preloaded NetCDF files for essential ocean variables are being created and will be available for download in their entirety from a THREDDS server in the coming weeks. Evaluations of data science quality are ongoing and will continue over the next several months.

Next week, Jan. 5-7, the OOSC and UNOLs will host a workshop on OOI Coastal Data at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, VA.  The goal of this public workshop is to provide a forum for potential users to further their understanding of the capabilities of OOI, and to learn possible approaches for accessing the data.

We continue to provide interim delivery of the Cabled Array seismometer and bottom pressure data through IRIS http://www.iris.edu/hq/.  Delivery of Cabled Array tilt meter and co-located temperature plots continue through Dr. Bill Chadwick’s website.

You can subscribe to a mailing list to received updates and notification as additional data and functionality becomes available. We also look forward to your feedback as well as suggestions on the tools that would increase the efficiency of synthesizing the diverse data collected by the program.

For specific questions, please contact the HelpDesk.

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OOI Construction and Data Status Update: December 7, 2015

Testing over the weekend of the Cyberinfrastructure software upgrade identified some key issues that prevented the software from being released today as planned.

As the CI team works to resolve these issues, they will be able to make available incremental releases of data through the OOI website. The first of these releases should occur early next week. Details of each incremental release will be posted on the OOI website, including which data are available and instructions of how to access and download these data. Users can expect to see expanded data availability on a continuous basis with delivery accelerating as the software issues are resolved.

The OOI is successfully receiving data streams from deployed assets at all seven arrays. Those data are being archived within the OOI CI and the historical data sets will be made available upon release of the OOI Data Portal. Historical datasets begin in 2013 for the Pioneer Array, the Cabled Array, and Station Papa; in 2014 for Endurance Array and the Irminger Sea Array; and in 2015 for the Argentine Basin and Southern Ocean Arrays.

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OOI Construction and Data Status Update: December 2, 2015

Fall 2015 marked the completion of the build and deployment phase of all OOI marine infrastructure, including 7 arrays, 59 instrumented sites, 36 mobile assets, and over 900 instruments. The OOI Cyberinfrastructure system handles observatory mission command and control, management of data streams, and facilitates data download via an online user interface. The COL team has been focused on readying this CI for public access.

Cyberinfrastructure is undergoing a large software update that is currently in process.  The software update is critical for access, as it provides essential bug fixes in data processing identified during internal system testing, as well as key enhancements to the user interface.  The OOI CI system will be made available to the public on Monday, December 7.  Expanded details about the specific roll-out schedule will also be posted on the OOI website early next week.  

For specific questions, please contact the HelpDesk –  help@oceanobservatories.org

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OOI Status Update: May 8, 2015

On the CyberInfrastructure front, we continue on schedule as per the key delivery milestones listed below. During this last week, the work focus has been on increased performance speed and full integration between the uFrame software and the user interface.

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